The Bus Fic

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Tyler and josh had just finished up a concert. It was quite a small concert but they were sold out. Tyler and josh were tired, sweaty, and hungry. They just wanted to go and eat some cereal and go to sleep in their tour bus. They walked through the fenced off path from backstage to the tour bus. Fans crowded the fences trying to grab at tyler and josh. They collected some fan art. Some was PG but some was...disturbing. Josh looked at one. Tyler had been lying on josh's naked body. Tyler laughed but little did he know josh fantasized about stuff like that all the time. Josh was...
Embarrassed about the way he felt about tyler and how tyler didn't think the same about him. Tyler sat on the couch eating his cereal. Josh sat next to him, like right next to him. "Your really close to me right now josh" said tyler in a joking tone. Josh moved over away from tyler a bit. "No come back. I liked it" said tyler again jokingly. Josh put his head on Tyler's shoulder then picked his head back up and looked at tyler. Tyler looked back at josh. Tyler was exhausted. Josh could tell because of the way tyler talked and how he looked as if he were to just doze off right then and there. Josh thought it was cute. They continued to stare at each other for what seemed like years to josh. "Your cute when your tired" tyler laughed and looked down at the ground assuming it was just a bit of a joke. Josh couldn't contain himself any longer. He grabbed Tyler's face, but not in a violent way, in a sweet gentle way. They looked at each other again. Josh leaned in for a kiss. Tyler, shocked sat there almost lifeless as joshs soft lips touched his. Was this real? What was happening? There was a spark between them. Tyler had always just thought of josh as a best friend. Even more than a best friend but never in a romantic sort of way. Besides he was with Jenna. Tyler and Jenna were happy together. Josh always third-wheeled but was always jealous. Tyler didn't know what to think or how to feel. It almost felt... Right? No. It can't be. He is straight. He is married. To a beautiful woman. His thoughts were racing through his mind for what seemed like an eternity. Josh looked embarrassed and quickly stood up and waked into the other section of the tour bus where the beds were. Everyone else was asleep. Tyler got up and ran to josh. There lips touched again. Only this time it was tyler who leaned in for the kiss. It felt right. "I love you tyler" said josh quietly trying not to wake anyone up. "I..I love you too josh" said tyler. They stared into each others eyes. Tyler went and sat on the couch to process what had just happened. Josh had climbed into bed. "Goodnight tyler. See you in the morning" said josh yawning as he spoke. "What?" Said tyler. Josh was to tired to notice how nervous and awkward tyler sounded. Tyler, to himself mumbled the word no over and over again. This wasn't how things were supposed to be. He was supposed to be with Jenna. He had to tell josh that this wouldn't work even though his feelings told him otherwise. He went to bed and quickly drifted to sleep.

The next morning tyler awoke. He was the first awake. After everyone woke up they had stopped for gas. Tyler needed to talk to josh right away. He had to talk to him in private. Across from the gas station was a Starbucks. "Hey josh... Can you come with me to Starbucks please?" "Yah sure" josh waited until no one was looking and winked at tyler. This gave tyler a funny feeling, but it also made him extremely uncomfortable. They walked across the busy street to Starbucks. They walked up and ordered. They got there coffee. Josh looked at tyler as the smol bean took a sip of his coffee. Josh found this to be adorable. "Tyler I really love you and I was hoping... We could sort something out and you and Jenna only be friends so maybe me and you we could be together." Said josh nervously. Tyler was truly heartbroken because he really wanted to be with josh but... He cared to much about what people would think... And how he was supposed to be with Jenna. "Ummm... Josh actually, the reason why I wanted you to come with me her was so I could tell you, I only want to be friends. I want to be with Jenna. Your an amazing friend but that's all I want to be." Josh's heart completely sunk.

How was this possible?

Why did this have to happen to him?

Tyler was supposed to love him back...but he didn't.

Josh became upset and dropped his coffee to the ground. He ran out into the busy street towards the tour bus... But, he didn't make it to the tour bus. A random bus was driving as a man angrily ran out into the middle of the street. It was to late to hit the brakes. Josh was dead. Tyler stood on the sidewalk shocked. He fell to his knees. He should have told josh how he really felt. He never got to say goodbye. He was traumatized. His entire life just crumbled apart in that very moment.

Joshua William dun was dead.

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