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"You're such a great person, but I want things to stay the way they are. I just wanna be friends."

There I was, sitting on the bench at the back of the football field with my crush facing me. Telling me the words that no one ever wants to hear come out from their crush's mouth. I was friend zoned by the one person I thought I actually had a chance with.

You see, I'm not the most attractive girl in school nor the most popular. I have a few friends by my side that I'm happy to call my best friends. They've always been there for me throughout everything I've been through. Then, there's the guys that we hang out with everyday at school. Of course, one of them is my crush. The one I always look forward to seeing, but also the one where I feel the most hurt by.

My name is Madison Miles and I'm currently in my last year of high school. It all started the first day of school, the first day that I was starting my very last year of high school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2018 ⏰

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