Chapter 9 "Memories"

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*Opens eyes to find a different world.*

“What the?! I could have sworn I fell asleep in that dark maze, so how did I wind up in Japan? Let alone in this kimono?”

Are you awake my flower of the night?

“Wait a moment. Flower of the Night? That’s what Alex likes to call me.”

My love?

Yes. I’m awake.

*Alex opens a sliding door and walks in. “He is wearing a dark blue kimono with the symbol of a wolf on it. He also has two swords that’s tied to his belt and is hair is longer and pulled back into a ponytail.”

How are you feeling my flower of the night?

I feel just fine, but I’m a bit confused. How did we get here?

We walked here my love. If you're having trouble remembering that, then you better stay laid down and rest for awhile longer.

No. Really Alex. I’m right as rain. Come to think of it. Why don’t you and I go for a walk? “Why did I just ask him that?”

Are you sure you're up for a walk around the village?

Yes, yes. I’m as strong as an ox. Now let’s go! I want to have a look around our new home and do some shopping.

Shopping for what?

For food. I want to make you your favorite tonight.

Hehe. Alright then, let’s go for a walk around the village, but if it starts to be too much for, let me know and we’ll start our way back home. Alright?

Alright. Now can we please get going?

Yes, yes. Let’s go. *takes Kiba’s hand and the two of them walk to the village.*

“Why do I want to walk to this village with him and shop for food, just to make him his favorite dish? That and why the hell am I holding his hand?” Oh Alex, look!! They have dumplings and ginger.

Get some if you want. I’ll pay for it.

*kisses him* I love you. You know that right and I’m not talking about who you where, but who you are right now.

Yes I know and I love you with all of my heart. If I ever lost you, I’d search till the end of time, just to find you and have by my side again.

And I’d do the same for you, my samurai of the night.




Did you get everything you needed my flower of the night?

Yes I did. I’ll go start dinner. Can you put a pot of tea on, please?

Sure. Just don’t burn yourself while you're cooking. K?

I won’t burn myself or our food. *giggles*

*Chuckles and goes to put the pot of tea on.*

Now then, to get started on this meal of our.


(Alex & Gin)


Did you find anything at Kiba’s place?

Not a thing, Alex. What about your uncle’s study?

Nothing. The only place left to look is Elsy’s study and the old catacombs that run under out house.

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