Ch4-A new ally

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"Ha! Got you, I win!" TalonPaw mewed as WhitePaw struggled under him try ing to get out of his grip.

"Very good TalonPaw! Sorry WhitePaw seemed that you loose this one." RhythmStripe mewed. TalonPaw got off WhitePaw,

"I kind of deserve that after stalking them." WhitePaw thought to her self.

"Don't forget that tomorrow you become warriors!" Mewed RhythmStripe happily

"I bet I'm going to be the best warrior yet." BlackPaw mewed as he shook his pelt.

"Oh really? Think fast!" Mewed TalonPaw as he pounced on his brother but BlackPaw rolled out of his grip then pined him with his own weight.

"See I am the best!" He mewed.

"Sh I hear something." RhythmStripe listened, every one was frozen, three grey cats jumped out of the bush, RhythmStripe seemed very calm. But the three warriors in training were in attack positions ready to fight the unknown.

" I'm sorry about them, they don't know who you are SpottedStar, but you are in our territory and if you don't leave I'll have to.."

"RhythmStripe we mean no harm, we simply came to make peace. Our clan is in need." He meowed. SpottedStar was the biggest and most intimating cat she had ever seen! She looked at TalonPaw, he didn't seem scared at all, then she looked to BlackPaw, he didn't seem scared either so she decided to put on her bravest face and hiss. But she smelled cats from her clan coming their way. But RhythmStripe had invited him to see the leader, she sprinted back to tell her father the news.

"Dad! There I-is a!" She was out of breath

"WhitePaw! I want you to meet my brother SpottedStar!" He meowed happily."He and his clan are our allies now."

"But he..I thought he... I'm sorry." WhitePaw drooped her head, her mother padded to WhitePaw.

"I thought he was an intruder to, you have good instincts for coming to us straight away."Meowed SnowHeart

"Yes but how did he get here before me? I got a head start!" Yowled WhitePaw confused. The large toms laughed,

" You see, I have longer legs than you and your still a warrior in training." SpottedStar meowed. He had a very mellow voice.

"Hey, WOAH big cat." BlackPaw mewed looking up at the large tom. TalonPaw froze up. SpottedStar chuckled.

"I want to introduce you to my mate CrystalShadow and my best warrior LionScar." The two cat dipped their heads in respect

"Pleased to meet you." Meowed CrystalShadow. She was a normal sized cat, she was a very light grey with king cheetah markings. The warrior was a yellow tabby cat, he was average sized. The whole clan was soon introduced to the FangClan cats.
"Would you like to come to our clan?" SpottedStar Asked StripedStar.

"I'm sorry but I have work to do here, I will make time for that." Me purred. SpottedStar, CrystalShadow, and LionScar padded out oh sight.

"Brother?" Mewed SnowHeart in surprise.

"Yeah, long story."

" Don't forget the big day tomorrow, our little kit becomes a warrior with BlackPaw and TalonPaw." She meowed happily. ShadowClaw came in being chased by TallyClaw.

"TRAITOR!!" She hissed with great rage and raised her claw and finished him off with a swift slash. "He was in ScullClan! He was working with them, smell him he smells like the dark valley!" StripedStar smelled his deputy then put on a very disappointed face, then looked up at the sky, I will choose our deputy tomorrow. He mewed. 😱😱😱 what happens next?!?!

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