The Final Battle

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That Monday night in Incheon was a surprisingly still time. The moon sat high in the sky, a small sliver that gently illuminated the suburban neighborhood. On the street, there wasn't a soul in sight. Most were either relaxing at home or out for a night on the town. For Jung KyuMi and YongGuk, their evening had barely begun.

KyuMi and YongGuk had been spending quality time with their three-month old son HaJi for most of the evening. However, as the moon rose higher and higher into the sky, the two finally decided to head in for the evening. Since he was already holding his son, YongGuk decided to put HaJi in his nursery. The routine was simple, a quick bath and then diapers, and was completed quickly. Once finished, YongGuk tiredly trudged off to bed and his wife.

At first, the night was progressing normally; the happy couple were resting peacefully in bed, the baby monitor by their side projecting the lulling sound of their son's snore. It was past midnight, nearing 12:30 in the morning, when a booming crash rang through the house. At once, the entire family was abruptly yanked away from sleep. HaJi, of course, wailed loudly for his mother; it was obvious because of the distress in his cry. Both parents sprung from the bed and to the closet, withdrawing different things. For KyuMi, a robe to slip on; for YongGuk, a thick, metal baseball bat.

"Go check on HaJi," he whispered to his wife urgently.

"Of course, love, but I need you to be careful. Don't go in blind," she warned quietly. Placing a hurried kiss upon his cheek, she cautiously rushed to the room of the still crying baby.

Not long after her arrival, the cries subsided, leaving only a dangerous silence in place. YongGuk, sticking to the walls, followed the only sound present in the night--the rattling of contents in a drawer. He was getting closer and closer to the nursery, and the thought made his blood boil. His teeth ground together at the idea of a potential danger being so close to his wife and child.

YongGuk was quickly brought out of his thoughts when he came across the only open door in the hallway. Shifting to conceal his form, he leaned slightly around the corner of the wall and peered into the room. In the dark room, the first thing he noticed about his intruder was the long, greasy black hair that touched the man's shoulder.

The second thing he noticed was that the man was tall, nearing six-foot-three; since the drawer didn't even reach his hips, his back was stooped over, exposing a bit of skin. The bit that was shown was covered in tattoos, spiraling patterns that nearly blocked out his white skin.

There was something eerily familiar about the intruder, and it was something that stirred a feeling of dread in the pit of YongGuk's stomach. He turned--for what, he didn't know--and the moonlight caught the hazel shade of the man's eyes. Suddenly, YongGuk remembered everything; a deluge of forgotten memories raced through his mind, most of them resulting in pain and despair. The cause of every bit of pain stood directly in front of him, and a surge of anger pushed him forward, his arms swinging the bat and cracking it upon his knee before the man could blink.

"MINSOO!!" YongGuk sneered.

The man who was currently sprawled across the floor was his wife's ex-boyfriend. Minsoo didn't take her departure very well when she chose YongGuk over him. He's been arrested twice for stalking the couple, and the countless amount of restraining orders did absolutely nothing. He even made a point by appearing at their wedding and causing a disruption; Minsoo had to be escorted out in handcuffs for disturbing the peace. After several moves around the country, the family had assumed they were safe. However, it appeared their past had snuck up on them once more.

Minsoo struggled to stand up, grabbing the side-table for support as he leaned his weight on one leg. His jeans were already stained with blood from the blow, and apparently his nose took quite a hit as well. Wiping his mouth, Minsoo spat on the nightshirt of YongGuk and grinned.

"It seems as if we've come to a full circle, YongGuk," Minsoo stated. YongGuk looked on in confusion and suspicion. "All of this running and hiding is repetitive. Can you face me like a man, or will you run like a coward again?"

Glancing at the bat in his hand, YongGuk briefly pondered the situation and who had the upper hand. Even without the bat, Daehyun clearly outmatched him in muscle. Tossing the bat to the side, Minsoo quickly took the offensive, aiming a punch at YongGuk's face before he had time to blink. Sidestepping it, YongGuk then grabbed the fist and twisted it behind the man's back, head-bumping him in the same second. Minsoo was shoved to the floor once more, a foot kicking him in rapid succession all over his body.

The blood was splattered all over the floor as Minsoo coughed and sputtered, finally stilling as he slipped into unconsciousness. YongGuk turned his back and looked into the drawer, searching for what was taken. The realization hit him quickly, his eyes widening as a gunshot rang throughout the air.

YongGuk stumbled, falling to the mattress as blood began to seep from the wound in his stomach. Faintly he could hear the sound of his son crying in the background, the distant sound of sirens reaching his ears. Another crash came as Minsoo knocked over a lamp on his ascent. YongGuk's eyes widened as Minsoo's face came into view, his black hair tinted with blood. The cold metal of his wedding band was slipped off YongGuk's finger, and he watched it with pained eyes as it was slipped into Minsoo's pocket.

"Until we meet again, YongGuk,"

Minsoo hissed in his ears.

The door slammed shut behind him as Minsoo raced down the stairs and to the back, unaware that the police had the house surrounded. Before his foot touched the grass, he was shot down. The police had rushed around the body and searched through the house, first finding the baby and YongGuk's hysterical wife KyuMi.

"Find YongGuk! FIND HIM! I HEARD A GUNSHOT!" she sobbed. Her voice rose in pitch with each word.

They found him, thankfully. He was gasping for air as the blood began to soil the sheets on the bed. Quickly the paramedics came in, followed by the police. Life support was set up, and as he became stable, his wife and son entered the room. Her tear-streaked face and the sparkling eyes of his son were the last things he saw before YongGuk passed out into a drug-induced slumber.

When he finally came to, he was blinded by the brightness of the white covered room. Glancing around, he noticed the IV line running from his left arm; the heart monitor was on his right. Quickly peeking underneath his gown, he was surprised to find binding wrapped around his stomach.

"YongGuk?" a soft voice questioned. He turned his head and looked in confusion as a woman with a child embraced him with warmth. She backed away slowly as she realized he wasn't responding. "YongGuk, it's me! KyuMi!"

The suspense built as he finally spoke, his voice tinged with bewilderment. "Who are you?" he whispered.

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