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A few hours later, we arrived at our destination. The Rave, a venue in Milwaukee. Unloading the van was the usual painful process, with Drew goofing around and Dalton making Vines. Brady and Jordan were nowhere to be seen.

 As usual, I was the only one working. I heaved the amps backstage, among some huge wooden crates filled with random props.  I heard Brady and Jordan's voices wafting through the wall of crates.

"Hmmm...Brady..." Jordan murmured. I immediately  turned my back to the crates and their voices. I didn't even want to know what they were doing.

Then I heard a crashing of boxes to the floor.

"Oh my god... I'm so sorry...I didn't know you guys were behind these crates..." Dalton's unsteady voice said sheepishly from nearby. I found a crack between the crates where I could peer in to what was going on.  Basically Brady and Jordan were making out, surrounded by crates so no one would see them. Dalton knocked a few crates over and found them...and everyone looked really fucking embarrassed. Jordan just let out a small squeak of shame, and quickly walked away. Brady called after her; but Jordan just kept running. 

"Ugh, come on dude! That was a really good kiss!" I heard Brady say, obviously annoyed.

  "I'm sorry! I didn't know you guys were making out!" Dalton shot back.

Brady got mad. "YEAH? WELL MAYBE-" 

He got cut off.

I gasped, and almost turned away from my peephole in the crates.  Dalton succeeded in making Brady quiet by crashing lips. They stayed that way for what seemed like forever...until Dalton drew back.  "Oh god...Brady; what did I just do? God I'm sorry I don't know what came over me..." 

"You kissed me." Brady replied calmly. "That's what you did." And with that, Brady turned on his heel and walked away, leaving Dalton looking more devastated and heartbroken than ever. I couldn't just stand there and watch Dalton's heart practically split in two. I pushed a few crates over, and walked over to Dalton.

  "Wow man... I saw everything. Why did you kiss Brady? I mean I know you love him but come on." I said tartly.

Dalton's head snapped to look at me. "How much did you see?" He asked, his voice cold and steely. I've never heard him talk like that before.

  "All of it." I replied, drawing in a deep breath. "I'm really sorry Dalton," I said, patting his shoulder in a sad attempt to comfort him. But Dalton only tensed up at my touch.

"Don't be sorry," he said, his voice still icy. "If Brady doesn't want me, then I don't want him either." And with that, Dalton marched away, with his nose in the air; but with eyes that gave away his pain. I just sighed. I had my own love drama to deal with, much less Dalton's and Brady's. 

The show hasn't even started and I was already worn out. I sagged over to sound check, ready to play. But I guess Drew noticed that I was really out of it.

"Hey Clayton," Drew said, walking up to me.

"Hey Drew," I replied, trying not to show too much acknowledgement that this handsome, hilarious and amazing guy was talking to me right now. I was too tired to deal with my feelings for him tonight anyway.

"What's wrong, baby dick?" Asked Drew. "You seem really troubled." I sighed.

"I guess I sort of am." I replied. If Dalton had guts tonight, I guess I can too. Here goes nothing. "Well..." I began to say. Drew patiently waited for my answer. I took a deep breath. "Brady and Jordan were making out and Dalton accidentally disturbed them, and scared Jordan off because she was so embarrassed that Dalton saw them. So Brady got mad at Dalton for ruining their kiss, and Dalton just leaned over and kissed Brady-"

I was taken by surprise, and got completely cut off on my sentence. Drew's lips crashed into mine, and sent me reeling back. 

Drew's green eyes looked me over, his warm gaze making me feel tingly inside, and full of energy.

"Was that the way that Dalton kissed  Brady?" He asked, a small smile playing on his lips. 

"No," I replied, grinning. "It was more like this,"

I gently placed my lips back onto Drew's. His mouth was warm and inviting, and I felt completely at home. I nipped his lower lip, signaling for him to open up. And he did. I wanted to know the inside of his mouth better than my own. I ran my tongue over the roof of his mouth, and then on the inside of his lip. It was completely magical, like my fantasies with him came to life. But then I remembered something, and pulled away from him.

"Drew," I began to ask, choosing my words carefully. "Last night when I was drunk...did we...um...."

"Have sex?" Drew said, finishing my sentence for me.

  I nodded, afraid of his answer. But Drew's eyes just softened. 

"No," he replied softly. "You just blacked out. I thought of taking advantage of your being intoxicated and waking you up to have sex...but then I thought about it some more. If I wanted my fantasies with you to come true, I wanted it to be real. Not when you had no idea what was going on. "

"You...have fantasies about me?" I asked, feeling like I was on top of the world.  

"I guess you can say that," Drew replied. "What do you think about me? I hope you feel the same way I do about you." 

I laughed with joy. "Drew, I've been in love with you ever since I joined this band. You are my entire fucking world." 

Drew's eyes lit up. "I love you too, Clayton. And our dreams are about to become reality soon."  He said, with a mischievous gleam in his eye.  I smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Woah there," cried Dalton, as he walked in on me and Drew snuggling near sound check.  "It's cool," said Drew. "I guess you can call me and Clayton a thing now," he said, smiling. 

"Yeah," I said. "All thanks to you kissing Brady," I laughed.

Dalton's eyes clouded up at the mention of Brady, but they cleared up when he realized that we just announced that we were a couple.  "That's awesome!" He cried, giving us each a pat on the back. "I'm really glad you guys finally figured this all out. Hope you're happy together." Dalton said, smiling. "Now come on. We got a show to play!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2013 ⏰

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