Chapter 2

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This was supposed to be a one-shot. But I guess a two shot looked better, since it added the suspense.

The travel to Pendragon City took a few hours for the Avalon with the Ikaruga and the Damocles tailing a great distance away since the Avalon was stationed on the high seas just outside Japan. Damocles, launching from Cambodia had joined the Ikaruga, traveling to Pendragon side by side. The giant fortress surprised the Black Knights, making them wonder what it was for. Toudou took the Zangetsu, his Knightmare frame along a transport ship that held Ohgi, Viletta, Kaguya, Kallen, Chiba, Xingke and Empress Jiang.

Landing into the Damocles they were amazed by the sheer immensity of the whole thing. Emperor Charles' Knights of Rounds greeted them and lead them to the top garden where the Royal Siblings, Kanon Maldini and Diethard Reid awaited their arrival.

"Tell us Prince Schneizel, what is the purpose of this fortress?" Toudou asked.

"Truthfully, this is a component for a system we had planned to implement if ever Lelouch showed his, as we dubbed it, 'demonic' side." Schneizel answered.

"What sort of system?" Kaguya asked.

"Damocles is a system of hatred and fear, one that would eventually force people to want peace and will be forced to listen if they don't want to be bombarded with a certain bomb." Nunnally answered, up until then no one had noticed her presence in the garden. When she spoke up this surprised them.

"Nu-Nunnally? You're alive?" Kallen asked.

"Yes, Kallen. As you can see, I'm quite alive." She answered Kallen, whom she hopes would still want to be friends.

"I just realized former Area 11 Viceroy Nunnally vi Britannia, are you from the same family line as Emperor Lelouch?" Ohgi asked.

"Yes, he's my dearest blood brother though I don't know how to approach him now." Nunnally said as she looked away from where the voices of the Black Knights were. Sadness could be detected in her voice.

"Princess Nunnally, if I may be so bold... to speak about your brother..." Viletta said in a voice that seemed to test waters.

"Yes, you may... Umm...?"

"Viletta Nu, your highness. Former Baroness Viletta Nu." At knowing her name, Nunnally just nodded signaling her to continue.

"Princess, firstly you have to understand that during the months that you had stayed in Pendragon, those times before you had become the Viceroy of Japan... Your brother was taken into our... care..." at this Viletta just seemed to lose confidence. The expectant faces of the Royal Siblings and their retainers, the Black Knights and the Knights of Rounds were unexpected. True, she never did tell Ohgi the whole truth about her position in observing Lelouch.

"After ah... Lord Kururugi uhm... sold... your... uhm... brother to the... Emperor..." Viletta was very concerned and nervous indeed. The faces of the present people were of surprise.

"You mean to say that Suzaku, mine and Nii-sama's closest and probably most trusted friend, had actually sold my brother... my Nii-sama to our father? Whatever for?" Nunnally said with anger and sadness present in her voice.

"Yes, he had. He had done so to get the position of Knight of Seven." This time it was Gino that had answered. That little tidbit of information was spread throughout their ranks as the Knights of Rounds.

"How... How could he... Nii-sama LOVED him... and... and... I just KNOW Suzaku had loved him as well." Nunnally's voice wavered as tears ran down her eyes.

"Yes, but sister dearest. Lelouch had just ordered Euphemia to kill all those Japanese and killed HER as well. Suzaku might've not been in the clearest mindset." Schneizel said to Nunnally kneeling down to her side comforting her.

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