I put a lot of defenses up so people don't get to know me. I might not say a word or act too mature so they don't hang around me.
Defenses are easy to put up but hard to take down.
I feel like if someone gets to close, they'll see my true colors. I may look happy on the outside, but there is a dark pit inside of me that I don't want anyone to get lost in.
The problem is that I forget to hand them the lantern.
Walls. That's what I build around myself. Huge walls that you can't climb unless you brought a ladder. If you are brave enough, like some people, you will climb the wall.
Please don't fall though, I already have enough bodies to bury.
If you are a good friend, you might try to break the wall, but you'll get tired and give up.
If you are a great friend, you might try to finish what the other started, but, of course, you'll get tired and give up.
If you are a best friend, you'll bring a bigger hammer.
They are the ones who come back for the lantern.
The hammer. The lantern. They are the same thing.
One lights the way through the dark.
One breaks the wall that was built.
Defenses need to be fought to get through.
Some people do it themselves. Others some times need help. Either way, defenses need to be fought to get through.
Sadly, I haven't broken mine. There are some dents and scrapes, but I haven't seen them fall. I just haven't tried to knock them down myself.
I see no light at the end of this tunnel, I haven't for a while.
It's probably because I was too busy holding someone else's lantern that I forgot to grab my own.
It's too late to go back, so I have to walk blindly to the end.
Leaving the lantern is my blame though, not theirs.
I don't want to get to close with people because I pretend.
Everything is okay, alright.
But it's not.
I may be young, and I might not have had it as bad as some, but it hurt.
This is the reason I put up defenses, I don't want anyone to get hurt.
I don't want them to forget the lantern. I already forgot it anyways.
Please bring the bigger hammer.
And don't forget the lantern.