Chris was driving the bus,"Do anybody know where we could get shelter?" Everybody groaned, "I'm hungry!" Dove said. Everybody agreed. Chris pulled up at the nearest gas station,"Harry, Mac, Charlie..." He signaled them to stay behind him...
Zombies were everywhere. They tiptoed into the store,"Grab food.." Chris whispered. Mac started eating food. Charlie was picky, while harry was looking at hisself in the mirror,"We don't have time for that!" They grabbed stuff, they almost made it to the exit when Charlie ringtone came on,"Every day i'm shuffling.." The zombies started started shuffling. They followed and sneak their way pass them back on the bus. "Ok everybody we need to sa-" He looked back to see all the food was gone but some brocclio's ...."Really?" Chris turned the key,nothing happened,"Try it again!" Victoria said.
Chris tried it again, it didn't work, "Were doomed!"Arianna laughed,"Yall really funny for a sec-" Everybody looked at her,"Oh.." She shook Justin,"Were doomed!!" Justin hugged her tight,Justin smiled at Harry. Harry growled.
Lady Ga Ga took a gun out her bra,"Uh..." Lady GaGa put on her shades,"Shhh.." Everybody looked crazy...A zombie rosed from behind selena,"Ahhh!" She ran to the other side. "Burn in hell!!" Lady Ga Ga said as she shot it down.Everybody screamed and ducked...everybody rosed up and looked at her crazy...."How di-"
"Shh.." Shawn held Dove,"You ok?" She nodded. They heard gunshots, "Get down!" Iggy climbed on top of the bus and started shooting them down. "Shes Hot!!" Shawn pushed Dove back. Chris walked out the bus,"Ther's kids on the bus!"
She hopped off,"I're Brown." Chris started messing with his tie,"Oh so you know me?" She rolled her eyes ,looked at them"Anybody ever held a semi automatic?" She looked at one direction. "Cool!" "I think I'm in love..." Dove slapped Shawn. Everybody shook their head. "I have!" Dove said. Demi looked at her,"No you didn't!" Dove growled .Iggy threw Demi the semi automatic. "Here!" Demi threw it to Dove. Dove fell.
"There's more of them!" Taylor pointed to the woods. "Ok we gonna have to run on foot!" Iggy said. She looked at GaGa,"Boo, loose the high heels!" They started running down the street. Justin started taking selfies."Really!" Zendaya said. "Want to do one together?" They started posing. Charlie grabbed both their hands and started running. "My phone!" Justin said. "Forget it, its a zombie apocalypse!" Iggy stopped. "What?" Mac said. Something was messing with the trash around the corner. Ariana and Victoria was going at it, "You wish?" Victoria pushed Ariana,"Oh you dead!" They dragged each other on the ground. "Hey st-" They looked up to see a bear with a bear with his mouth gone only showing his bloody teeth, his ear gone and one of his eye is yellow...."Don't move!" Iggy said. Victoria and Ariana looked up,"AHHHHHHHH!!!" The bear roared. Everybody screamed. Zendaya grabbed GaGa heel and jumped on the bear. "Get off it!" Meghan yelled. Zendaya kept hitting it with the hell, one direction jumped in it too,"You have some brave students Mr. Brown.." Iggy said. Ariana walked up to the bear and kicked it in the middle,"You just got served!" She started laughing. Zayn dragged heraway..."Wild animals infected..."Iggy grabbed Chris hand and they started running.
Celebpocalypse 1
Teen FictionAt Musical hights the students are having a normal day at school when out of nowhere a zombie apocalypse happen in L.A. too bad for the celebrities this is real!!!!