Part 2: Arrival in candy land

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So your house maybe made out of clouds but the only thing cloud in the city is houses everything else is candy/dessert. You grab Nor's hand and start to fly up, then the dog comes along too. Nor asks "where are we going" You say "to where I first met you" and so Nor starts to flap his wings and flies along. You and Nor (and Bowser) land under a huge willow tree and start singing "Let this light take us upon the life" over and over and then Nor looks at you in a suspicious way. Bowser lays down but is still staring @ you. "Nor you know why we are here don't you?" "No" "Do you want to know?" "Yes" "Well, when you said you wished you were a father...." Nor says "Say no more" Looking down at your stomach and smiles real big. He gives you hug and then you feel a lick on the side of your face "Bowser" you laugh. You and Nor lay down in the fluffy cloud grass. You and Nor look at each other, you both smile and you hold hands. "Are you ready?" You reply "Yes" This is the best town and they have a good school. (says Nor) You pause him, "I was thinking about home school" You and Nor just keep on smiling you say to your self "it will be a while before we need to worry about school." You fall asleep with Bowser laying on you. Nor carries you both home. 

Nor lays you in bed and then you smile at him

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Nor lays you in bed and then you smile at him. Bowser jumps up on you and Norton lays next to you. You new from the start that today was going to be good. 

You wake up looking at your toes well not really because your baby belly has came. You turn over and look at Nor but only the dog is there. He licks you. You get up and get dressed and you fly over to the kitchen and there is a plate with coffee and marshmallows shaped like heart with a small heart inside you smile then eat the marshmallows 1 at a time. As you sip your steaming coffee you walk out and sit outside in your chair next to Nor. You decide to name the baby either: Allis or Nigel. Then the angel guard fairies come holding a cloud basket.

 Then the angel guard fairies come holding a cloud basket

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You and Nor hold the baby really tight. You are so happy you cry. Nor smiles. You call the photographers and they say come on over.

You have the picture printed and when you get home you hang it over the couch

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You have the picture printed and when you get home you hang it over the couch. You use your fairy powers and build another room for Allis Candie Cansine. You lay her in her not cloud but candy bed. This will be your room that is not cloud. The dessert room.

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