Part 1

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There was once a man named Bob. Bob had finished high school and was ready to start college. He was thinking about what he was gonna do for a job in his future. "Hmmm" thought Bob while applying for college. "I GOT IT, IM GOING TO BE A SURGEON!" Bob loved the idea of cutting open human flesh, and blood. Bob was just your average guy you know.

"Oh honey" said Bob's girlfriend" being a surgeon is a wonderful idea!" Bob was so happy that his girlfriend was supporting his decision.

*1 month later*
"ERMERGERD HONEY GUESS WHAT!" said Bob. "What" said bigass (her literal name/girlfriend) "I GOT ACCEPTED AAAAAAAH!"
"Good for you honey, wow!"
Bob was so exited that he went over right away.

*8 years later*
Bob was finally a surgeon.  He had done 5 heart surgeries so far and has done them with no failure what so ever.
But this was the day....
The day Bob had to to heart surgery on...
To be continued

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