My love

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While Melody and Christine ran back to catacombs. MR.Y POV

This has gone on far to long. Now I think I know what Monsieur Firmin and Monsieur André felt when so called "rumors" of The Phantom Of The Opera not being real and driving then crazy. This has got me thinking of back then when I The Phantom Of The Opera and my angel..........Christine Daaé. Oh how I miss her, she's probably living the dream I bet she has children and the de Chagny as her loving husband. Just thinking about her makes my heart breaks, yet yearn for her and her voice. STOP! she's happy now just forget about it, back to Business. "Madame Giry please take the girls to there rooms, let them rest for the rest of the day then come see me in my office.""yes,Mr.Y"Madame said with worry then called the girls to there rooms."Mr.Twig please call the cleaners to clean up this mess this instant, this is set us far behind" I said to Mr.Twig. He runs off to get the cleaners. "Now the rest of you go and practice your songs for an hour, then straight up to bed and rest your voice, we've got a big day tomorrow. Make sure to wake up at 5 o'clock sharp no early no later!" I say in my stern voice with in seconds everyone was gone and went to there rooms to practice then go to bed. I walk up onto the stage, look at my opera house and think of what's happened in the last four years. Then I go back down, sit in one of the seats and close my eyes envisioning my Christine, my angel, standing up on stage singing and looking like a star. Then I 'hear' her voice singing Think of me and I sway to the music. This happens a lot I'll imagine she's here up on stage singing then when I opened my eyes her voice is gone and she's nowhere to be seen. I was suddenly whisk away from my trance by tiny almost to quiet to hear little pitter patter of feet and laughter then a voices that's VERY quiet that you could think it's just the wind but with my good hearing I could understand the voices "KILLIAN GIVE IT BACK TO ME" a little girl screamed "NEVER, YOU'LL HAVE TO CATCH ME IF YOU WANT YOUR VIOLIN BACK" a little boy yelled back. "MOMMY!" The little girl screamed.I then heard a voice that sounded very stern but with grace "STOP BOTH OF YOU, I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR YELLING TODAY! Now Killian what did I say to u this morning?didn't I tell you that to go to your ROOM than when Mr.Y does his normal composing for the night you are allowed to go to his music room then go STRAIGHT TO YOUR ROOM and stay there for the rest of the night and till tomorrow afternoon?" The angle like voice said "yes mommy" the little boy said with sadness "and do you know why you are to go to your room and stay there till tomorrow evening?" "Yes,mommy" "could you tell me why you have to ?" The Angel voice said annoyance "yes,because I'm grounded. I'm SO sorry mommy" the little boy said with what sounded like tears running down his face. "Come here Melody,here's your-"then the voices fade off as if the mother and the children are walking way then disappear. I was in such a shock I didn't even hear Madame Giry sit next to me "you know I found a note near the stars that leads up to the catwalk, it's almost like the one you used to write to the managers about how you were supposed to run the opera house."she pause for a minute then went on "would you like to read it?" Madame said as she handed me the note just like mine but instead of a skull stamp crest it was a rose stamp crest that's the color blood red. The minute she gave it to me I dropped it, I bent down and picked it up with shaky hands. Then carefully open the note trying to avoid to bring the stamp in the paper.
The minute I read the first words on the note my heart literally stopped.

My dearest Mr.Y .I hope you are thinking of me,


My dearest I would love to be nice to u and keep going but I won't hahah. Good bye my T.O.P

yours obedient


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