What Could've Been

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I remember him being scolded by our teacher constantly. Whether or not he was the main source of the problem, he'd get called out because she expected it from him. He didn't seem affected by it, he just shrugged and continued on.

I don't remember ever interacting with him before we became class partners. He just never crossed my mind more then any of the other strangers in our class of our class. And when we did become partners I didn't plan to become such close friends with him and eventually thinking of him as possibly more then a friend.

Don't you just hate it when the right people are bound to enter your life at the wrong times?

He was going to a different school then I was and it sucked. If we had met earlier or under different circumstances we might've had a chance but we didn't and we don't. We still became really close friends, he was the closest guy friend of mine, I don't know if I was his closest girl friend.

I sort've knew he had a crush on someone else before hand, we shared a friend group and they all talked about them. I was already friends with her and I still am. I put others needs in front of my own always. I was supportive and pushed my feelings aside. After all he and wouldn't ever have a chance so why should I bother.

We shared an awkward hugging moment once. I usually wrap my arms around people's neck when I hug them, my arms over theirs since most of my friends are my height or shorter, I still do that with my tall friends too sometimes, but it was more awkward with him because I only hug my girl friends and he was a guy. The first few times we hugged I did as I usually do. Then we came to realize it was a bit of a problem. He was about a head taller then me. We "talked" about it and I had to change the placement of my arms to underneath his. It's a lot more comfortable and casual now. Or then, we don't see each other anymore.

I hope we don't lose contact with each other when school rolls around.

(Fast forward 4 weeks into school)

We didn't.

But my feelings have faltered but I keep wondering, what if he liked me? What could we have done? And I keep finding myself coming up with no good answer. What could we have possibly done? You can't get hung up on what ifs. Just let them go.

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