A Boy And a Girl

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There was a boy named Alex and a girl named Fiona they were 5 years old ... they are childhood .... in the afternoon they play and play and sometimes they are late for supper and of course there mother will be mad .... the nexy afternoon they were playing and Fiona said "let's play a new game Alex!."..."what game Fiona?." Alex replied

"Let's play racing!." Fiona,"but Fiona our mother's said that we could not play racing,because,we can have a booboo." Alex replied,"your right...but we always play hide and seek,chasing,playing in the sand....always....it's so boring I want to a better game." Fiona said,''but Fiona..." Alex,"no but Alex (-_-).'' Fiona..."ok!!fine we play racing!." Alex

"But in a one condition." Alex,"ughh...always have conditions(-_-)." Fiona,"if i get a booboo your mistake,if you get a booboo your mistake too." Alex said,"huh?!,that's so unfair!!ok fine deal?." Fiona,"Deal." Alex,so they played and played until Fiona get's a booboo,"now Fiona,look at you,you have  now a booboo I said...no playing racing!,it's your mistake now what we gonna do?." Alex

"I'll gonna call my mother." Fiona,"what?!..if your mother find's out your mother will be mad at you." Alex,"it's a deal Alex,we said each other a deal is a deal so i'll go call my mother." Fiona frowning,"ok,i'll be at your side,i'll be watching =)." Alex,''thank you Alex,your the best guy friend ever had *hugs*." Fiona,so Fiona telled her mother and her mother was not mad at her,her mother healed it.

"Thank you mom =)." Fiona,''no worries my dear,I telled you not to play racing,you disobeyed me.'' Fiona's mother,''sorry mom,I will not ever do that again *hugs*.'' Fiona,so years passed Alex and Fiona we growned up and ready to have a gf/bf.....(but not them to get .... whatever....nanonose bleed na ang writer sa kaka-english)

When they are at school...."HEY!"Fiona,"Hi."Alex,"so your eighteen now?"Fiona,"Yeah,you too,we're so grown up..."Alex,"I remember when we are 5 years old when i get a booboo...hehehe."Fiona,"Yeah,crazy right ?"Alex,...the bell ring.....the days passed on wednesday they have no classes because of holiday.

Fiona said to her mom."Mom,i think i'm...."Fiona,"Uhmm...in love?to who?"Mom,"To....Alex."Fiona,"God Gracious!i'm so proud of you!"Mom,"Why mom?"Fiona,"Because Alex said he's going to marry you!"Mom,"Really mom?"Fiona,"I'm serious."Mom,"Ahhh!!!"Fiona...so Fiona dressed beautiful so Alex can attracted.

"Oh,for what is that dress?"Alex,"Uhmm...just for my birthday...do it look nice to me?"Fiona,"It's absolutely,positively nice to you!"Alex,"[blush]Thank you!"Fiona,"Your welcome."Alex,"Uhmm..Alex can you go to my birthday?"Fiona,"Sure,why not?''Alex,"Thank you Alex,you're the best guy ever!"Fiona..so days passed...again...Fiona's birthday arrived and Alex look's nice.

"Hi,Fiona."Alex,"Oh!Hello,you like nice on your tux."Fiona,"Thank You."Alex,"Hehehe."Fiona,"Uhmm...Fiona can we go on the garden?"Alex,"Ok."Fiona,"I have something to tell you...that i'm in love with you."Alex,"I know."Fiona,"How did you...oh because your to you right?"Alex,"Yes....and I accept to marry you!"Fiona,put the ring to the finger of Fiona everybody saw it and they said "Awhhhhhh."[Hug's and kisse's]

"Alex,my birthday wish is to have a gift from you....a bracelet."Fiona,"Ok."Alex....so Alex bought a bracelet but instead of bracelet she give Fiona a story book.....Fiona hate's it she throw it into the trash can.....and then her friend said to her that something happened to Alex.Alex kill himself and died.

So Fiona go to the funeral of Alex and she saw the story book,she read it it is about their love story and in the end of the story it say's Fiona your bracelet is in our favourite place.

                                                                            THE END    

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2013 ⏰

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