1 | Red

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Hello, Wattpad! Before we get into the thick of things, let me just take a moment to thank you for taking the time to read this story! If you find a story I have reviewed that you like, comment! Vote! Let me know that what I'm doing is good, because I am incurably human, and I loose sight of myself on occasion. I need only to be reminded of why I am here every so often, so if you could do this for me, then great! I appreciate you!

Story: Red, by shadowquill.

Genre: Non-fiction. This is indeed a true story.


"Red is born in a world of happiness and horse treats, of trotting by his mother's side, and where his greatest worry is where he will play tomorrow. But as he grows, he finds that life isn't always easy for an Amish horse. He meets several "good" people who beat him and force him on, even when he is ready to fall. But also along the way, he finds friends, love, and eventually, a home where he can stay until the end of his days."

My Thoughts on the Story:

My first thoughts while reading this story were, 'Wow, this is really reminiscent to Black Beauty', and it's true. While Black Beauty may not have been an Amish horse, both he and Red were born in a relatively quiet rural area with a kind master, not a care in the world. As the book Black Beauty, by Anna Sewell is one of my dearest childhood stories, I was immediately captivated.

As the story progressed, I felt myself falling deeper and deeper into that pit every avid reader has expirienced at one point in their lives. You know the one, don't you? The one where time ceases to exist and you lose all awareness in your surroundings, so incredibly caught in the clutches of the story are you.

Alas, my euphoria was short lived, as the author took a Hiatus of sorts that continues even now, three years later. However, do not let this discourage you from this amazing read. It's like the old saying goes; "It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all".

My Thoughts on the Author

He/She may not quite know it, but shadowquill has been among my favorite authors for quite some time. While it is true that what originally drew me to his/her stories were the fanfictions, I decided to take the time to read Red, and I did not regret it. shadowquill is an amazing author, highly talented with weaving words and dreaming up elaborate plots that are sure to blow readers away. What little I have spoken to the author, I was able to deduce that he/she is a very kind person, always caring about others.

Even though it has been three years, I still eagerly await the day he/she will decide to revisit the captivating true story of the horse he/she so obviously loved so much, for it is heavily apparent the amount of love and devotion that went into the writing of Red.

Is this book worth your time? Yes.

Should you read it? Absolutely.

Do I, Ilse, highly encourage you to read it? 100%


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