Hard Beating on the Soft Carpet.

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Alice awoke to an ear splitting scream. The nine year old shot up from her bed and darted to her parents' bedroom. There her mother laid breathless, bloody, and crying on the fleece rug. Her father, clenching one of his fists and holding a bottle of whiskey on the other, staring down at her. He continued to beat her as she shrieked in pain and pleaded for help. Alice stood there, not knowing what to do. She called to police, and alerted them on what her father  was doing to her mother. She heard a muffled,"the police are on their way, sweetie, just stay on the phone until they get there." "Okay." She calmly responded. The operator continued to ask Alice questions on exactly what was going on, and as Alice got more, and more into detail, she began to grow a slight smile on her face. She immediately shook it off, and watched the fight proceed.
The police showed up not even 20 minutes after. They took her father to the big house and brought her mother to the hospital.
As for her,
She was brought to her aunt's house.
Her rich, conceded, unlovable aunt's house.
In her police car ride, thoughts of the quarrel appeared back into her head. She felt the grin begin to form. But this time, she didn't shake it away. She chuckled under her breath, and soon enough, her aunt's house was right in front of her eyes.
The police kindly walked her in, and she placed her things on the guest bed. Not speaking a word to her aunt.
Her aunt appreciated this, because for once in her  life the little 'pest' had kept her mouth shut.
Alice sat on her bed, as the thoughts traced back again.
She remembered the look on her father's face.
It was quite a delightful look.
She kept these thoughts running through her mind, until her aunt called her for supper.
She trudged down the creaky crooked steps and sat at the dinner table.

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