Chapter 4: What did I do?

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Christa felt sore and stiff as she gained conscience. She opened her eyes. She faced blades of grass and a tree trunk. She flipped over onto her back from laying on her stomach in the dirt. She groaned and panted as her wounds and muscles protested at the movement. Once she layed on her back, she was met with the same man who had beaten her before, looming over her.

" 'Bout time you woke up. Clean y'ur self and do y'ur chores." The man straightend up and turned to walk into the forest. As he reached the edge of the meadow, he looked over his shoulder and spoke.

" If ya tell anyone 'bout this or being t ta prince's mate ya will be punished far worse than this."

Once he finished he continued into the woods. Christa eased her way up to her feet using the tree as support. Her wrists were raw and blistered from the ropes that had previously been tied around them. She could feel the dry blood and scabs cracking on her back  as she moved. She took a deep breath in and started for her pack's territory. She looked around and breathed on once more.

'free territory'

She thought as she continued to limp through the woods for what seemed like hours. Her fingers and face burned from the cold as she stepped onto the dirt path by the servant quarters on the back side of the castle. Christa opened the wooden door and slipped through it into the slight warmth it provided. She entered her room She saw a bottle and paper on her bed.

'where this at all times or else. -Keith'

She clenched her jaw as she started to take her tattered shirt off. The remainders of the back was in pieces. She hissed slightly as the shirt rubbed on the open wounds. She dropped the shirt to the floor and entered the bathroom. She turned away from the mirror and continued to undress. She breathed heavily as the water made her back sting. She scrubbed herself, avoiding her back. Once finished, she stepped out of the shower and dried herself gingerly. She dressed in her servant's clothes, Which consisted of a dark green skirt and white shirt. Christa let a breath out and walked back into the room. She sprayed the bottle on her self. She took a seat on her bed and took her head in her hands as her stomach grumbled. She searched for a connection with her wolf but ending up short.

'Great now I can't even contact my wolf' she thought' What did I do deserve this?'


"No." Charles said to what seamed to Him the millionth girl. Three days had passed without finding his mate. Girl after girl after girl.

"Don't you look fabulous." Jacob, Charles' best friend, better known as Jake mockingly said in a higher pitched voice as he sauntered into the room. He was dressed in a white dress shirt with pocket watch in the pocket of a dark blue vest.  He had matching dark blue pants and shiny black shoes. . His short curled black hair sat untangled on the top of his head still wet from a shower.

" Yeah, yeah."Charles responded looking back to the line of women opening his mouth to call the next young or old lady forward.

" Prince Charles will be taking a break so uhh... Keep your line number handy until we feel like coming back." Jake spoke loudly cutting Charles off, finishing cockily. He leaned over slightly, grabbed Charles by the elbow,  and pulled him up and along with him. Charles stumbled down the stairs from were he had been standing for short time before he came to his senses.

" W-What.......No." He said as he yanked his arm back and stood half way down the steps. The women in the room leaned forward to see what was happening as he finished." I have to find my mate."

"Yeah, okay" Jake replied looking at him up and down" Like anyone would want you looking like that." He said as he grabbed for Charles' arm to continue walking. Charles took a step back as Jake swiped at air. Jake's eyebrows furrowed.

"My mate would." He spoke confidentially.

"When was the last time you ate?" Jake questioned he's face straightened and his voice rose as he continued" When was the last time you showered or slept? Your clothes are wrinkled. Your breath stinks. You look about to drop dead on your feet. When was the the last time you stepped out of this damn castle for Peet's sake! Jake finished.  He sighed and rubbed his face with his hands after his outburst.

" Listen you need a break. For what? three days you've been doing this. Let's just.. just go out, get something to eat, some fresh air and a nap cause you look like a bloody zombie, mate."  He said then paused a bit. " Those girls aren't leaving. You out of everybody should know that. You have guards on almost ever corner of this place." He smiled a bit." She'll be here when we get back. Now come on I'm starving." Jake said as he clapped Charles on the back and started leading him down the corridor. Charles let him.


" I haven't felt this fat since we went to the Duke of turkey's palace. Remember him? He was as big as a whale!" Jake exclaimed as they walked through the front door.

"How could I forget! He had three chins!" Charles replied while yawning.

"aye, go take a nap. I'll take care of any work you have." Jake said as they stopped by the staircase to upstairs. Charles opened his mouth to argue but a look from Jake quickly silenced him.

"Alright." He said as he started up the stairs. He reached the top and started down the one of the hallways. He paused and looked down at the carpeted hallway. 'Looks good enough' He thought. 'Yeah' Was his final thought as the carpet came closer and his eyes shut.

      Jake watched Charles  until he made it to the top of the stairs. He then turned and walked under the staircases. On his way to dismiss the potential mates from the ballroom.


Guess who's back back back, back again! For the win!

I'm back again! As promised I will be going back to the regular uploading schedule for the new year!

Early chapter goal: 5 votes

Chapter question:
Did you guys have a merry Christmas?

See you guys in a week or earlier if you meet the goal by Wednesday!

Have a lovely week!

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