Prologue 3: The Grand Library

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Vir e mystre. 

Rafael invennia mas in pratum.

Mathew could hear the sounds of voices whispering to each other as he began to slip back into reality. As he opened his eyes he found himself in a luxurious bed. It was the most comfortable thing his body had ever felt. The blankets were a rich red with gold artistic designs. It took him a moment to realize he had no idea where he was before he sat up in panic. The room around him was lavished with expensive decorations colored vibrant reds, blues, and gold. Tapestries and paintings were displayed on the walls while ornaments and trinkets decorated the finely carved wooden tables and desks. Standing beside him stood two strange men. The first was a tall man equipped with leather guards and a long sword. The second was an elderly man dressed in modest robes. 

“Where am I?” Mathew asked. 

He was slightly groggy but he felt a great deal better. He did not feel dehydrated nor was he hungry. He was dressed in new, comfortable clothes and his body was no longer sore. The words he spoke rolled out of his mouth with ease, and it was not hard for him to understand his surroundings. Done with panicking, he decided to be calm. After all, the old man did not seem threatening and the other was merely a guard. 

“You speak Latin?” The elder man exclaimed. 

“No... English, just like you clearly are." Mat replied. 

“No sir, you are speaking Latin: the language of the scholars. It's not well known, but if you do, then you must be a scholar."

"Where I'm from that's a dead language."

"Dead? How peculiar... Where are you from Stranger? We found you half alive in the Silverian plains. Your clothes were just as odd as you. You were also unarmed, yet bore strange artifacts.”

“You're asking too much of me right now. Am I a prisoner? 'Cause this room makes me think otherwise."

"No, you are not a prisoner, but-" The old man began to say, cut off by Mat.

"Correct me if I'm wrong then, and I doubt I am, but if I'm not a prisoner then I must be a guest. Now a guest is usually better treated than this, and I asked where I was and you have yet to answer. I just got up, I'm truly cognicent for the first time since my arrival and I'm trying to figure out how the hell I'm speaking latin. So can we please slow down? I can't ahndle it all. Now, for starters... My name is Mathew Cecil and to answer your question, I am from Ohio. Who are you?” 

“My apologies Mathew Cecil. I am Sir Ivan Fras. I am one of the scholars here in the kingdom of Silveria.”

Mathew spent some time talking to the old man while the guard stood motionless and silent. The old man had told him that he was currently in the Kingdom of Silveria and that he had never heard of Ohio. In fact, he had never heard of any of the places Mat mentioned. The old man was curious about the places Mathew spoke of, and wondered how exactly Mathew arrived. Though, Mathew refused to say anything about his last memories except that he believed they held a clue about how he could get home. 

“Here it is!” The old man’s voice echoed. 

The two were now in a grand library. Aisles of wooden book shelves marched down the great hall. They towered over the two making them seem as tiny as ants. Mathew had never seen such a sight but he was slightly less surprised. He had seen so many amazing things in the very short time he had been in Silveria that he sort of expected it. 

“Here, you might find something about how you arrived here. I suspect you might want to look in the astronomy section.”

“I don’t think I’m from another world. I think I’m from…” Mat’s voice trailed off as he began to wander into the mass of texts. 

He ran his fingers along the bindings of the books, scanning the tittles. They seemed to be in the Latin that he knew, though, slightly different. He would have to learn their language before he could harness the power that brought him to such a mysterious, yet exciting place. Though, he knew that his desire to see his wife and children once more was the reason why he desired to go home. For, his home was a cruel place, and his past was filled with darkness. He had to also be ready for the fact that they might be somewhere in Silveria. If they were, he knew he would have to be someone with power if he hoped to ever find them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2011 ⏰

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