Rainbow Dash's Shadow

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  • Dedicated to BlueBlitz

A fast white light ripped through the skies of Ponyville. A rainbow colored cone started forming around the translucent white strip of speed, and then..


A blinding rainbow ring rattled all the nooks and crannies in Ponyville, colts and fillies looking up in the sky in raw awe and amazement. A young, handsome, light blue stallion with a wind swept navy blue, red and yellow mane and tail, landed in the middle of the town square, looking proud about his work. “Coolness level, 100 percent.” He said to himself, his chest out in pride.

He smoothed his hair as he trotted away from the area of impact. He held his head high, and glanced around if anyone was in his immediate vicinity of takeoff. But mostly to see if any cute mares were in his “immediate vicinity", an arrogant smirk clear on his face.

He was about to fly off when a loud clapping sounded in the distance, a Cyan pegasus mare with her trademark rainbow colored mane landed beside the stallion, smiling. This mare was none other than Rainbow Dash herself.

The cyan mare grinned at her son proudly. "Good job Spectrum," she said, “but, it could be about... 20 percent cooler.” She shook the dust from Spectrum Flare’s mane.

“Thanks Mom.” Spectrum laughed as his mother ruffled his mane. His mom’s feedback was the best, even if it wasn’t very detailed.

"Hey mom?” Spectrum said as he and Rainbow Dash took off into the air. “I was wondering, has anypony done a Double Rainboom? Like in the stories Cloud Skater told me when I was young?”

Rainbow Dash chuckled, Cloud Skater, their older daughter, was always a story-teller, just like their father, Soarin. She thought for a moment, put a hoof to her chin and shrugged. "Never tried. I don't think it's possible.”

Spectrum smirked. "Hmm... some big sister she is then,” he joked, “telling lies to her little brother,” He flipped his hair and adopted a mocking high-pitched mare’s voice. “I’m Cloud Skater, first mare captain of the royal guard, and I lie to my innocent, charming and amazingly handsome younger brother.”

Rainbow Dash laughed and nudged Spectrum lightly. “Some little brother you are, mocking your sister like that.” Rainbow Dash joked.

Spectrum smirked, his chest puffing out confidently. “Yeah, yeah, but by Celestia’s beard, I will be the first Pegasus to do a Double Rainboom!" He yelled, causing confused gazes from passerbys.

“Hey, I know the Princess. If I tell her you said that, you’ll be sleeping in the dungeon.” Rainbow teased. “You better go get your friends and head to Canterlot. Don’t wanna be late, you know how Stargaze can be.”

Spectrum nearly forgot about the Summer Sun Celebration. He had so little time and so many friends to gather up. He would have to go to Sweet Apple Acres to get Sundowner and his little brother, then to the Boutique to get Emerald Ember, then probably going through hell to get to CJ (Colby-Jack Cake) at Sugar Cube Corner then going to the edge of Everfree Forest to get Melody Harvest and her little brother then FINALLY to Canterlot to meet up with Stargaze.

Spectrum nodded, “Oh yeah! Thanks for reminding me, mom.” And with that, he zoomed off westward to Sweet Apple Acres.

Rainbow Dash smiled proudly. Spectrum Cloud was definitely her son. The confidence, the determination, even the good-looks. He was like her shadow, but a colt.

 -------- A/N --------

HELLO! It's finally out, 'aint it? *Sigh*

As you can see, I added a few more siblings, changed their names AND design before redoing the chapter! In the end, me and Blue Blitz are satisfied with it. So sorry the redo of this chapter took so long! The next one will be faster, don't worry. PLUS the image was done by me, sorry if it's messy or you don't like the art style, I'm trying to work on it! You can check my deviantart page off to the side.

That's all I have to say for now! Hope you enjoyed the redone chapter, please vote and comment if you liked it, and BUH BAI!

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