The amulet.

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A\N Guys so sorry for not uploading for so long.  This chapter will be so short, but it'll have a cliffhanger.  Please don't hate me because of this chapter.Hope you'll enjoy it.Btw thanks for 1.1K viewes guys. Love you all.

Irene:''Aphmau, today we have to go to a place remember''.

Aphmau: ''Oh, sorry mom I forgot that we're going to that mystery place. Anyways we have to be safe. 

Follow me mom''.

Irene: ''Aphmau are we there yet.''

Aphmau: Yes, mom we're here.

Irene: ''Thank goodness we're here. Now we need a plan to not be captured or to not hurt Enki the Keeper or should I say my husband.''

Aphmau: ''What about I distract him and you mom  try to save my dad. ''

Irene: '' That's a great idea, but where is Enki''

Aphmau: ''Don't worry mom. He's in the nether and it's in there''.

Irene:'' Let's start it then''.

Aphmau: So I transformed into an angel and run towards Shadow Lord distracting him. Our plan was working great ,until mom stopped when she saw a purple amulet. I don't know why.

Irene: So Aphmau ran towards Shadow Lord distracting him. Then I secretly sneaked to the nether and was about to walk there. Then I suddenly saw a............

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