Chap 1

10 2 0

Lexie's Pov


Went my alarm clock.
Do I really want to get up
Do I
Do I not
School no school
I have to to go to school because I need to be normal. I get up and get a black tank top, yoga pants and a pair of sneakers. Then I walked out into the kitchen were I opened the fridge.
"Hmm lets see"
Apple apple or a apple
This is getting really hard. Apple it is. You may think why is my fridge empty, don't you have so much money because you have powers. Well guess what, I don't have much money because if I told everyone they would totally freak out. And plus I need to keep it low for a while.

At school

As I walked into my first class PDHPE, I took the seat at the very back of the class since I had no friends and to be totally honest I don't actually care. The teacher started  to talk that snapped me back into reality.
"Okay class, cross country is in 2 days so start training" she said
I bunch of groans were echoed through out the class.
After that I zoned out for the rest of the day.
Before I know it the bell rang signalling schools ended for the day. I started to pack my things until I felt a hard hit on the back of my head and everything went black.

When I woke up I saw the person I didn't want to see, James (aka the bully that basically ruined my life when I moved to the village 3 years ago.) standing above me with a smirk on his face.
"Get up" he shouted
I shakily got up still a bit weak from when he knocked me out. I looked around trying to find an exit but about 5 people were on each end of the escape rout. James walked up to me and punched me straight on in the jaw. By now people were  surrounding us like one of theses fight ring thingys. I felt pain run through my skull as James grabbed onto my hair and dragged me up by it. Everyone was either chanting "fight" or videoing what was happening. James took another swing to my jaw but this time I grabbed onto his fist and slowly started to crush it as adrenaline started to pump through my veins. He screamed out in pain as his hand was probably by now broken. Gasps were heard through out the crowed, I thought it was a good time now to run. As I started to run trying not to super speed James friends grabbed hold of my wrists pulling me back into the "ring".

"Hold her down on her knees" James said to his friends.
They pushed me to my knees and held my wrists just in case I would escape.
THUD James leg met my stomach. It didn't hurt one bit but it got me a bit angery.
Another THUD echoed through the ally way. Another followed another until I got really pissed off.
"Why aren't you crying in pain or begging for mercy!" James screamed walking up to my face nose to nose.
I felt my body temperature rise and my eyes turning a dark shade of red.
Then I heard the satisfying scream, as the people that were holding onto my wrist screamed in pain.
James looked up at there hands were a burn formed on there skin. Just as everyone was distracted by them I full on turned into flames and shot at everyone that was in my eye range.

There were bodies lying on the ground, most still on fire. I returned back to my normal state and walked out of the ally like I didn't just murder 26 people.

Little did I know that there was somebody hiding and videoing everything that I had done and sent it to everyone.


That's better, anyways I hope you all enjoyed that chapter because I did a lot. I can't wait until the next one yayyay

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-Jacinta 🤘🏼

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