We opened the door to see SKIP!!! Beau said his goodbyes and again looked at ash very weirdly like he knew her or something. We hugged beau and skip goodbye and walked with them to the car. We saw LUKE AND HE WAS DRUNK!!! OMG DRUNK LUKE!!! OMFG HOT!!!! We waved to Luke in the car and he waved back like an idiot. We said our last final goodbyes, took photos and they also got our twitters and numbers, then they left.
---------------------------------------------------------- Beaus prov------------------
I was lost, I was at the park. I didn't know where I was so I went to the closest house I saw and knocked at the door. Four very pretty girls answered the door, one looked formula. She looked like my best friend that I had growing up I think her name was Ashleigh or Hayley or something. She had moved next door to me, she moved for sydeny but she only stayed 4 years and moved again,I didn't know where she went. I missed her and often thought about her. I still remeber all the good times we had the water fights,movie nights,shopping trips and just hanging out. Those were the days that I had missed. I stopped thinking and talked to the girls that were going mental in front of me. I asked to use the phone so they give it to me and I walked to the kitchen. I called luke he answered and he sounded really drunk, he said he was on his way. I walked back out to the lounge room and talked to the girls, I told them everything that had happened and everything on my mind. We talked for a while then we heard the door bell ring. We opened the door and saw skip standing there. I said my goodbyes then walked to the car. There we saw drunk luke lol,we said our final goodbyes,took photos and got eachothers number and shit then we left. I sat in the car still thinking, I had so many questions going around in my head. Did she reconise me? Did she remeber? Did she want to be best friends again? My head started to hurt I was thinking to much.
-------------------------------------------------------------Ashs prov------------------
We opened the door and saw BEAU BROOKS!!! FROM THE JANOSKIANS OMFG!!! WE STARTED TO SCREAM AND CRY!!! we calmed down and greeted him,he looked at me weridly,we sat on the couch. He asked to use the phone we gave it to him and he walked into the kitchen. Did I know him? We're we best friends before? Did he know me? He walked back out and we stopped fangirling and he sat down. He told us what happened and what was on his mind coz we noticed he wasn't so happy. He told us about his girlfriend Lucy and her best friend Ashley , I remebered those names well. We were like best friends when I had went to the same school as him ( penola high). Did he reconise me? He might coz he keeps looking at me weridly. We finshed talking and the door bell rang. We opened the door to see SKIP!!! OMG MY FAVOURITE JANOSKIAN!!! HOLY SHIT!!! I tired to stay calm,we said our goodbyes and walked to the car. We saw DRUNK LUKE OMG!!! He waved at us like an idiot then we said our final goodbyes,took photos then we gave them out numbers and twitters. They left and I was still thinking DID I KNOW HIM???

J.A.A.M and the janoskians
FanficThis is a story about a dream one of my friends had, so I got the dream she had and put that story in more detail and then uploaded it to wattpad.