Waiting For You

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"Shanon please speak ,are you there? Can you hear me? Shanon...Love..are you there? I love you and will always do. Shanon..Shan..".

Sneive is completely lost now, he is actually thinking what just happened in last two minutes.

Thinking about the last two minutes took him back two years ago, when Shanon and Sneive first time said, "Hello". Shanon was too shy to say a word to him. But Sneive understood what Shanon's eyes wanted to tell. But still he didn't say anything that day. The more they met the more they got closer. Their likes and dislikes were so similar.It was like love was in the air. They became wonderful friends and soon they fell in love.

And even the way Sneive proposed was also very funny; Sneive took Shanon in their favorite coffee shop and had their favorite mousse cake. And suddenly when Shanon gave a bite to it,a ring came out. Then Sneive knelt down and proposed his true love for Shanon. At that time Sneive saw Shanon's smile which was the million dollar smile for him.

Tears came down to his cheeks thinking all that good memories

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Tears came down to his cheeks thinking all that good memories.

Now everything looks just so fake that they never happened before. One month before Shanon called Sneive to meet her.Then she gave a note and said "we were never made for each other, it was all mistake. Just go from my life and let me live happily". Sneive tried so much,he cried and requested to stay with him,but everything was just in vain.

After that time she was seen with a guy. She started avoiding him. That eyes which Sneive used to love like hell,now he hates that nasty eyes. She cheated on him,but still he cannot forget her. He still loves her so much. Sneive,had to forget her, but couldn't. Still he hopes that someday she will realize and come back to him.

And may be today is the day

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And may be today is the day. But why Shanon called him after so many days; did she finally realized? Did she finally understood how much he loved her.

But then why she just said," I am still waiting for you wearing your ring, I am still having your mousse cake on my lips, but yet you can't be mine,you will never be mine. But I will keep waiting for you." After that it was just so silent..the other end hung up. Sneive just kept on screaming, "Shanon can you hear me?".

No he has no time to think now. He has to go and tell Shanon that he still loves her. He is still madly and deeply fallen in her.

Sneive ran recklessly and when he reached he saw that terrific thing which he would never expect or wanted to see. It was Shanon lying in the bed ,her beautiful eyes are closed. Sneive couldn't see that; he cried so loud and said "No, you can't leave me. You are mine. You just can't" .

Shanon's mother then cryingly said, "Shanon had blood cancer,my dear daughter is no more

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Shanon's mother then cryingly said, "Shanon had blood cancer,my dear daughter is no more. But she had always loved you. She knew she had less than one month so she moved away from you," saying that she started crying again.

After hearing that, Sneive just stayed stiffed,he could not move a single step,he wanted to cry louder but couldn't open his mouth.

Then at that time a guy came,he was that guy with whom Shanon was seen. He said " I am Shanon's cousin. She asked me to stay with her so that you don't follow her anymore."

Then he gave a note to Sneive, Sneive opened it and read,
.......... "WAITING FOR YOU..STILL".

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