Crushing: Crawford Collins

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Crawford Collins is the name of the guy I like.

I've been crushing on him for a long while.

Crawford and I don't really talk but we give each other glances here and there.

His brother Chris Collins has been my best friend ever since the second grade.

I used to like him and we 'dated' in the eighth grade.

But that was a mistake but we still are very close like nothing happened.

I'm over at Chris' house for Crawford's birthday today.

I made a cake and set up the music and decorations while Chris bought food and invited people.

When we were done we made this girl, Mackenzie, that he likes and she likes him as well, take him around town then bringing him home for a surprise party.

It was 6 so Crawford and Mackenzie should be back anytime by now.

I shut the lights off as everyone hid and I closed  all the curtains and found a spot to hide as we heard talking right outside the door.

Crawford opened the door with Makenzie behind him and that's when we all jumped out and yelled surprise.

He smiled widely and Mackenzie hugged him tightly.

I felt jealous and went in the kitchen to take my mind off of them.

They aren't even a couple I don't know why I'm jealous.

Oh right because they both have feelings for each other.

I poured some root beer and tried to calm down.

By now, the curtains are open, the music is playing and everyone is having a good time.

I started to talk to one of my friends when someone tapped me.

I turned around and seen Chris.

"Put on your bathing suit and meet me in the back."

I did what he told me to do and when I went in the back I seen a couple people in the pool including Chris and Crawford.

I got in and didn't see Makenzie, good.

Chris and I were talking for a while and I kept sneaking glances at Crawford.

"Just talk to him" Chris pushed my shoulder.

"No, I don't know what to talk about" I told him 'it's his fucking birthday! Talk about that!" He laughed.

I took a deep breath and walked over to him, which was kinda hard to do considering I'm in water.

"Hey" he said smiling. "Happy Birthday" I smiled back.

"Thanks" then it was awkward, well for me.

"So you like Mackenzie?" I asked "Nah I mean I used to but not anymore. She was getting annoying so I was glad to come here to my friends" he explained.

"Oh okay" I sighed in relief "why", he smirked "no reason, just wondering" I laughed awkwardly.

"I always wondered this, um do you have a thing for my brother?" I looked at him in surprise.

"No" I laughed "why would you think that I have a thing for him?" I asked while still laughing.

"Because you guys have been friends for a while and are really close." He scratched the back of his neck

"Dont worry we aren't a thing or ever gonna be a thing again. We dated before but that was a mistake now he's like my brother." I explained and he smiled when I said that.

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