Chapter 10

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Barry stirred and blinked at the morning light filling his room. He began to remember what happened last night, and wondered where Red had went. Did she go back to the ship? Was she downstairs? He blinked again and sat up, stretching and preparing to make the difficult trip downstairs.
When he did make it down, shirt unbuttoned and pajama pants dragging across the floor due to their size, he was surprised to see Red already up and looking through the cupboards. "Red?"
"Oh, um, good morning, Barry."
"Morning, Captain. Whatcha doing?" He cocked his head.
"I, was, going to make you breakfast. I already ate."
He smiled at her kindness. "Really, Red?"
She felt her cheeks heat up. "I, just like taking care I guess."
His smile grew as he walked over to her and pressed a kiss to her red cheeks. "I'd be happy to help," he said.


"Dan! Gabi! Front and center!" Red called out as she climbed onto the boat. The two rushed in front of her and stood tall, worry filling their faces. "Did you two happen to get in the cellar last night?" She asked. Noticing the bags under their eyes, disheveled hair, and squinting eyes at the bright sun, they didn't have time to defend themselves before Red smirked. "You just couldn't help yourself, could you? I oughta throw away the key, just for you."
"No, Captain, it," Gabi pinched the bridge of her nose as she tried to remember the incident. "It was Shannon! She gave us the key! She even had some!" She argued.
"Speak of the devil and she shall appear," Dan muttered as they glanced at the smaller girl, walking out of her quarters. She rubbed her eyes and looked up. "What did I miss?" She asked.
Red walked over to her, Gabi and Dan trailing behind. "Did you snatch the key  to the cellar from my coat?" Red asked. Shannon shook her head. "When I got on the boat, the cellar door was already open." Shannon kept a calm tone and a straight face. She had gotten into situations like this a lot, and she had gotten very good at lying. "Did you take anything from the cellar?" Red continued.
"Just a single mug, nothing more. When I went in, the keys were already on the floor." Shannon replied. Red nodded and looked back at her cabin, another figure emerging from it. "Ross, do you remember anything from last night?" She asked him. Ross said nothing for a moment. His head pounded and the sunlight strained his eyes. "No, just some jingling and, other.. noises," he mumbled. Red thought for a moment. Then she spoke. "When you got on the boat, was the cellar door open?" Ross thought again, then shook his head. Shannon felt her heart beat faster. "Dan and Gabi were sitting near it. The next part is blurry, and then someone came out with a mug." Red smirked and patted his shoulder. "Go back to bed, Ross," she said, turning to Shannon, who had gone pale, heart racing. "I have some business to attend to."


Red closed the door behind her as she leaned against the wall. Shannon sat in the chair she had gotten well used to sitting in. "You know the drill," Red said. Shannon nodded. It was a routine they had when Shannon did something like this: take her into Red's office, sit her down, and make her only address Red as Captain- she learned this the hard way. The name got her unable to tease back very quickly. Red drummed her fingers on her arm as they crossed. The younger girl didn't say a word until the Captain spoke again. "Isn't it odd how you always seem to have a mark somewhere on you?" She asked.
Shannon gulped. "What do you mean, Captain?" Red put her arms at her side and began to walk around her office. "Oh, I think you do know, mate. Whether it be the scratches, the bruises on your neck," She said, lightly poking at one of the fading bruises right under Shannons jaw. She jumped and held her tongue, trying not to make a noise. "Or even paint from that one incident."
Shannon nodded again, still holding her tongue. Red had to do a little extra to get her talking. "And well, lass, it does appear you and Ross have been hanging around quite a bit. You're almost always at his side. Why is that lass, hm?" Shannon stammered for a bit, not giving Red a real answer.
"I-I, um, well u-uh-"
"Tell me."
Red made her voice low and groggy, yet powerful, making Shannon flush and shudder. "Y-yes, Captain. You see, I, I kinda like Ross, a lot, actually.."
Shannon held her tongue again. She didn't know where to start, so she said the first thing that came to her mind. "H-his eyes."
Red smiled at her response, sitting down in her own chair across from the other girl. "Oh? Really now? Why don't you describe them for me?" Red asked her, voice still slightly rough.
"Well, Captain, they're um, very blue. Like the sea on a sunny day. Bright and bouncy, yet dark and full of mischief. And they change, whether it be the light or his mood, they seem to darken sometimes."
By now Shannon was a bright red and shifting in her seat, fiddling with her pants. Usually she would make a comment back, but with how Red was treating her, speaking up wouldn't do much good for her.
"Y-Yes, Captain?"
"Don't pickpocket me again. And be a good girl, hm?"
Shannon let a whimper slip out. She flushed and nodded. "Yes, C-Captain."
"Good, now get out of my cabin. I'm done reading you."
Shannon nodded and got up from the chair. She had to hold onto the doorframe as she walked out.

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