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You were at the seventeen's dorm waiting for them to come back from the show. You were at the couch watching them live " 5, 4, 3, 2, 1" the announcer counted and seventeen's music started playing which is pretty u "SEVENTEEN PRETTY U" you jumped up from the couch screaming and cheering. You saw woozi, jeonghan, hoshi, seungkwan and Coups crying. You felt tears dripping down from your eyes while watching them "Awwee now im crying" you sniffed and wiped your tears. You cooked dinner for the boys since they won when you heard the front door open together with cheers you quickly ran to them "CONGRATS GUYS YOU DID GREAT!! IM SO PROUD OF YOU GUYS!!" they each gave you a hug and a thank you. The last person who gave you a hug was coups "Thank you for supporting us and caring for us...without you i dont know what would happen right now" you smiled and pulled away and pinched his cheeks "Im glad". "NOONNAA DID YOU COOK ALL OF THESE" Dino asked and you giggled a bit "Yes dino" they bowed and said "KAMSAMNIDA" you smiled and sat on the couch while they ate. You felt someone sat beside you "Not hungry?" You turned your head just to see coups sitting beside you. You shook your head and smiled, you sighed and placed your head on his shoulder "You know i feel like a proud mom...since my boys won" he chuckled "you know...you would be a great mom some day" you blushed and looked at him "Ive fallen for you (y/n)...im so glad to have you" tears were building in his eyes you smiled and wiped his tears "nado saranghae cheollie" he smiled and kissed you and heard the boys cheer from the kitchen "go get some hyung" said seungkwan you both laughed and continued your celebration.


Okay so short and hahah sorry i tried :)) enjoy and be safe!!

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