Hey Rin!

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"Hey Rin!"

"No matter where I go you'll always find me...won't you?"

Shemi always was near Rin and so how always knows where he is no matter how far away...

"Hey...*pant* can I ask you *pant* a question?"

"Calm down shemi! What's wrong?"

I-I wanted to know if you could help me train after class!"


*sweet I've wanted her to ask me this forever!!!*

"Is it ok?"

"YES! I mean, Sure why not?"

"Ok is 7:00 ok?"


*yes! yes! yes!*

"See you tonight!"


*sweet! I hope she likes me...I've always had a crush on her...but after that scene I doubt she'll want me...*

But little did they know what would really happen that night...

(I know this was short but I'll heave the next chapter tomorow! :)

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