(Miah Nelson)
Why? Why did he have to catch me kissing Jack? I know I just used Kaden to get close to Jack, but I became even more popular when I was dating Kaden. I don't love Kaden, but I still want to date him.(Scarlett Banner)
"Why is Kaden so sad? I have never seen him that way before" I told Jane. "I know why now" Jane said pointing at something. Oh my gosh we saw Miah and Jack kissing across the street. "She is so stupid for leaving Kaden for Jack" I said to Jane. In the inside I felt happy, but from the outside I looked so sad. Which I kinda was. I wonder how Kaden is doing. Is he okay? I would go visit him but he will surely kick me out.
It was finally dark. I couldn't sleep until I knew something about Kaden. When I looked at the clock it read 3:00 a.m. No wonder I am so tired, so I tried to go to sleep.
As Kaden was getting his mouth close to mine. I also saw a reflection by us. I Ignored it and I finally felt Kadens lips touch mine. He was kissing me passionately. This was my first kiss. His lips were so warm and soft. Then something pulled us apart. It was Miah. She started yelling, "Don't feel like your everything nerd, he is just kissing you because it was a dare." I looked at Kaden and he was laughing. I told him "Why are you laughing?" Kaden responded "It was a dare, do you think I would ever like you..NERD!!!" Miah and Kaden both started laughing at me. I started yelling "Stop, stop, STOP"
Beep beep beep
I suddenly woke up. "It was just a dream." I said to myself. I my gosh. I just stared at the wall. I finally decided to stand up for school. I put my glasses on, brushed my teeth, and fixed my hair in a ponytail. I went to go put my clothes on. I just put on joggers and a tink top.
I went down stairs. I smelled eggs with bacon. I didn't feel like eating so I left without my mom noticing me.
I opened the door and went outside. Kaden was there. He was sitting on the stairs by his house. I went walking toward him. He looked up and said "Get out of here you stupid nerd, I'm not in the best mood." I ignored him and just started talking. "Kaden your acting like this cause Miah cheated on you right." I said to him. "You.... You wouldn't understand me, since you've never had a boyfriend in your life" Kaden said. "It is true I have never had a boyfriend, but that doesn't mean I don't know anything about relationships. Look, put yourself first. Then go talk with Miah calmly, you have to think, that you also need to be happy. You also count in a relationship" I said to Kaden then I started walking to school.
(Kaden Olsen)
Since when does Scarlett even think like that I was saying to my self. Anyways, Scarlett is right I also have to think about my happiness. That is weird I'm calling her by her name in my head.
Whatever, I suddenly see Miah and Jack walking happily grabbed by there hands. My blood started to boil I can't resist it. I walk up to them staring at the ground. My hand was in a fist. I wanted to punch Jack so badly but I remembered what Scarlett told me. I started speaking in a low voice. "Miah can I talk to you" I told her. "Sure Kaden, but if you start yelling I will just leave and ignore you" Miah said. "Jack has to leave" I said. Jack stared at me and started walking towards school. "Miah can you please tell me why you cheated on me" I said with an innocent face. "I cheated on you because I just used you Kaden" Miah said. "What... But why?" I said. "I used you because I wanted to get close to Jack. He never talked to me and he didn't like me, Then I found out you liked me. So I figured out to just use you" Miah said. I was shocked. She just used me. I can't take it anymore. I wanted to cry, but she will not be the first one to make me cry for her. I held in my tears. Suddenly I left running back to my house and shut the door and looked out the window. She was staring at my house. Then Jack came running toward her. I looked away knowing that they would kiss. I went back to my room and locked my door knowing that nobody even lives here except me.

The dare
RandomScarlett Banner is a 16 year old girl that no boy dares to get close to her. One day a boy named Kaden Olsen starts to get close to her. Scarlett thinks she changed so much because he gets to close to her. Then his ex-girlfriend Miah Nelson tells S...