Chapter One

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Zayn Malik flitted through his apartment, searching for his car keys. He was going to be late again for work today, damn! But he never got in trouble, 'cos he was one of the best employees. Even if he was fairly new.

When Zayn finally located his keys under his couch, he shook his head at his carelessness, and got out of his modest apartment, locking the door behind him. Greeting the old lady that lived opposite to his flat and was entering her own flat, Zayn dashed down the stairs, not wanting to wait for the elevator.

The brown haired lad got in his car, and revving up the engine, drove to his workplace.


"Hey Zayn!" Sasha, Zayn's fellow employee at Penguin's Tale, greeted him as he entered the building. Zayn's lips instantly curved up, seeing all the little kids having the times of their lives, and silently chuckling at the expressions of the bored parents.

"Hey Sasha," Zayn waved to her enthusiastically, walking closer to the counter, and leaning his elbows on it. 

Sasha shook her head in awe, observing Zayn's normal cheery attitude and the smile that's always on his lips, even when he's working this dreadful job.

"Seriously, Zayn? How can you stand to be stuck in a smelly costume for 7 whole hours, and not complain about it?"

Zayn laughed at his friend's question. Both of them walked to the back room, where the employees kept their stuff in the lockers. Zayn opened his locker and pulled out his penguin costume.

"You see Sasha, the kids make it all better."

"How, actually? Them screaming at you all the time? I want more cake! And my crayon broke, oh and I wanna go potty? How can you even stand that! I've only been working for a month here and I'm slowly losing my mind!" Sasha wailed dramatically and Zayn rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it. Besides, I've only been working here for a week. Ask me a month later. Now, out! I gotta change!" Zayn shooed her away. Sasha pouted. 

"Can't I stay? Ya know everyone just dies to have a peek at those gorgeous abs of yours!" Sasha winked, making the boy in question blush.

"Out!" he shooed a laughing Sasha, who retreated back to the reception counter. Huffing playfully and stripping out of his clothes, except his boxers and tank top, Zayn then stepped into the blue penguin suit, zipping it up behind his back.

It's not so bad, Zayn thought. He stepped out of the room, and waved at the kids, who all screeched in joy and lunged at Marty the Penguin.

Seeing the heart warming smiles on each of the little kid's faces, Zayn smiled to himself. But this is definitely worth it.


"Mason, come on! We're gonna be late!" Harry Styles sighed at his four year old son, who was zooming around the house with his toy airplane, making funny noises. The curly haired lad couldn't help but smile at his little boy, seeing him so happy and carefree. 

He wished that Mason could always be like that, happy and carefree. And he doesn't ever have to bear the hardships that Harry himself had went through. But Mason was worth it. Definitely worth all the tough times.

"C'mon champ, that's enough," Harry grabbed the little boy's waist, hauling him over his shoulder, making his little body shake with giggles. "Daddy, put me down!"

"Daddy's gotta work now, love. And he'll be late. Now let's go." Harry set his son back down on the ground, who was pouting at his father.

"We'll play later?" he demanded.

Harry chuckled, nodding, and crouching down to Mason's level. "I promise, we'll play later."

"Pinky promise?" Mason held his little pinky out. Harry cooed, and linked their pinkies. "Alright, little guy. Prinky promise." Ruffling the grinning boy's hair, Harry stood back up, and held his hand out.

"Now, who's ready to go to Penguin's Tale?" Harry asked cheekily.

Mason's eyes lit up and he grinned toothily, jumping around. "I am, I am, I am!" And before Harry could even blink, little Mason had ran up to their car, already bouncing in the passenger seat. "C'mon, Daddy! Hurry!" 

Harry chuckled, getting inside the car and driving his son to Penguin's Tale. As Harry worked as a model, his schedule was pretty busy. Especially on the weekends. Sure, he had a lot of friends, but Harry never wanted to bother anyone by asking them to take care of Mason for 8 whole hours. Or sometimes even more.

And that's when he'd found Penguin's Tale. Well, actually, Mason had dragged him to it. And now, the little boy couldn't wait to go there every week, and Harry couldn't complain.

It was the perfect place to leave Mason for the day, the little guy could never get bored there. And Harry didn't feel bad that he had to leave Mason alone. It was a good distraction.


Just an introductory chappie! So, uh, hey! This is me, Ramna, writing in Alex's account. Well actually, co-writing on this awesome Zarry fic (the main concept is all her idea by the way!)

So, hope you liked this chapter. :D

Written by

~bemycupcake <3

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