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CiCiGal: Ugh! I'm so bored!

KiKiGal: If there was only something we could do.

SoccerGal: ( burst through door) I have something we can do!!!!

CiCiGal: Really! I would do anything right now!!!

KiKiGal: What can we do!

SoccerGal: I got us dates tonight!

CiCiGal: Ugh! I would rather stay here and be bored.

SoccerGal: Your gonna do it!

CiCiGal: I'm not getting out of this chair.

SoccerGal: What if I told you I got you a date with your crush!

CiCiGal: You know what I think I will get out of the chair now!

SoccerGal: Good! Wheres KiKiGal?

KiKiGal: ( Walks in with a really nice dress on and has makeup on) While you to were blabbering on about whatever you were talking about I managed to get ready.

CiCiGal: Okay then. We all know who is looking forward to tonight.

SoccerGal: everybody get dressed!!!

30 minutes later.......

SoccerGal and CiCiGal: ready!

KiKiGal: wow CiCiGal you are beautiful!!

CiCiGal: I am going on a date with my crush. What do you expect!!!

KiKiGal: true!

SoccerGal: doesn't he know you like him?

CiCiGal: Yes.....

KiKiGal: Let's Go!!!

20 minutes later.....

CiCiGal: I am soooo nervous!!!

SoccerGal: I see them!

KiKiGals Date.........

KiKiGal: ( Already over there)Hi!! ( she says blushing)

Carl: Hi I am Carl.( hands her roses)

KiKiGal: Thank you! These are my favorite!

Fritzie243: If you hurt my sister, I will hurt you!!

Carl: ummm, is your sister always like this?

KiKiGal: Yes. Yes she is.

Carl: Where do you want to go? I was thinking we could take a walk in the park.

KiKiGal: Yeah that would be nice.

Carl: okay let's go!

In the park.....

KiKiGal: Its a nice day.

Carl: Yeah it is.

KiKiGal: Carl there's something I want to tell you. We're done!

Carl: What! I just met you!

KiKiGal: I know. I am a heartbreaker! I have always wanted to be a heart breaker! Hahaha!

SoccerGals Date......

SoccerGal: Hi my name is SoccerGal.

Kevin: Hi im Kevin! I brought you flowers!!!!! Oh my gosh I hope you like them!!!

SoccerGal: Okay then. ( slowly takes the flowers)

Kevin: What do you want to do!?

SoccerGal: ( trying to ignore his preppy voice)Lets go to a movie.

Kevin: Okay!!!

At the movies.....

Kevin: what do you want to watch!

SoccerGal: Let's watch the new hunger games movie!

Kevin: You like the hunger games? ( asks disgustingly)

SoccerGal: Yeah! You don't.

Kevin: No.

SoccerGal: ( face palms) wow you are lame. We are totally done just for that.

Kevin: Oh okay. Will you still like me if we watch the new Barbie movie!!! I heard Barbie gets a new dream house!!!

SoccerGal:( already out the door)

Kevin: Wait! Come back! Im desperate!!!

CiCiGals Date.....

CiCiGal: ( walks up to her crush)oh, umm.

Zane: Hi CiCiGal. You look very pretty. I couldn't afford to by you anything, so I hope you don't get upset.

CiCiGal: No no that's fine! You didn't have to get me anything!

Zane: Okay, there's this really nice restaurant in downtown. You want to go?

CiCiGal: Sure!

At the restaurant.....

CiCiGal: This place is really nice!

Zane: Yeah. I thought this was a good first date restaurant.

Waitress comes over....

Waitress: Hi, I am Fritzie243. I will be your waitress today. What would you like CiCiGal?

CiCiGal: Fritzie? What r you doing here? You work here?

Fritzie243: Now I do.

Zane: You know her CiCiGal?

CiCiGal: Yeah, she's my best friends sister. I am not hungry Fritzie.

Fritzie243: okay. What about you Zane?

Zane: I will take a small water.

Fritzie: okay, one small water coming up!

Zane: So.... How's life?

CiCiGal: that question though! (:

Zane: I know im just coming up with stuff to say.(:

CiCiGal: I do that all the time.

Fritzie243: here's your water.

Zane: Thanks.after I drink my water we can go.

CiCiGal: Ok.....

Zane: Oh... Im already done.

CiCiGal: that's okay im getting tired. And plus my friends are probably looking for me....

SoccerGal and KiKiGal: there you are! We have been looking for you all over the place! Oh hi Zane!( They look at CiCiGal then at Zane)

CiCiGal: Well, its been fun Zane! But I really have to go!

Zane: okay, me to! I have had a lot of fun! Maybe we can do this again sometime?!

CiCiGal: Yeah! Okay bye!

Zane: Bye!

Back at the car.......

KiKiGal: I had the best time of my life today!

SoccerGal: Good for you! My date was boring! The guy doesn't like hunger games!!!!!

CiCiGal and KiKiGal: Noooo!!!!

SoccerGal: exactly!

CiCiGal: so im guessing it didnt go so well then?

SoccerGal: not at all!

KiKiGal: I got to break my dates heart!

CiCiGal: U have always wanted to be a heartbreaker!

KiKiGal: Yes, Yes I have!(:

CiCiGal: well my date was dreamy! Zane is so m
Nice! He said we can go on another date sometime!

SoccerGal: Aww! I am so happy for you!!!

KiKiGal: well, hope you likes it!

SoccerGal and CiCiGal: bye!!!!!!!

Hello everybody! Go and check out Fritzie243! She is awesome!oh! I almost forgot! Go check out KiKiGal9461! She is the real KiKiGal! Bye!

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