Chapter 13

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Niall pov

  Belle just passed out and Analisa was wiggling in my arms trying to break free. I took Analisa into my room and placed her on the bed. "Please stay here, for mommy." She looked up questionably, but slowly nodded and got comfortable.

  I rushed back into the hall and picked up her frail body bridle style, setting her gently on the couch. I pulled the blanket over her and grabbed an ice pack to place on her head.

  I can't believe I let the fight consume my thoughts so much to where I would actually hurt the one thing that mattered most to me. The only thing I fought for was to keep her from pain, yet I probably caused her the worst she's ever had.

  I took out my phone and dialed Harry's number.


  "Hey, mate. You'll never guess what has happened."


  "I found Belle."

  "That's great!"


  There was a long pause before he replied a bit shocked, the reality probably just sinking in.

  "Wow. That's um, great. How is she?"

  "That's the thing. I may have just ruined everything."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I um, well, I um. I hit her." I whispered the last part. It was worse to hear it out loud than to just think about it.

  "You what?!"

  "Well, I was so caught up in the fight and I thought she was, well someone else because I'm not used to her being here and all."

  I heard a deep breath and a long sigh of frustration. "That is no excuse, Niall. There should never be a time where you are so caught up in something that you hurt the one thing that matters most to you. You know that saying opposites attract? I never thought that so much opposite could ever attract. You guys were made to be together. I never saw you so happy since you met her. You have to get her back somehow. Someway. You have to make her trust you again."

  "I wish it was that easy. I think I really blew it." I ran a hand over my face in exasperation as I thought long and hard of someway to make her put her trust into me again. Make her know that deep down I would never hurt her again. I will find a way. I decided to keep the daughter thing from Harry for now.

  "You have any ideas?"

  "I might have a few, but I might need some help with it."

  "If it will help you win back the girl of your dreams I will do all that I can."

  "Thanks so much, Harry."

  "No problem. Want me to call the others and inform them?"

  "Yeah, if you wouldn't mind."

  "No problem at all. You'll have a lot of explaining to do to Louis though. Especially since she's become like a sister to him. He won't forgive you easily."

  "I know."

  I heard her start to stir on the couch and then a painful groan released from her lips.

  "I got to go she's waking up. Thanks again, Harry."

  "No problem."

  With that I hung up and began thinking over everything that needed to be done to win her back.


Would y'all like longer chapter than this? or is this good? jw:p

I LURV y'all so much!!!!😘😘 y'all the best babies eva!!!!!!

Can we maybe get three comments on this chapter for the next update??

I started writing one direction imagines so if y'all want one please go check it out on my page!!!! love y'all!!




Peace out babes😘✌

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