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They had fought. He didn't think he could ever say any words so venomous towards Carlisle or Esme but the rage was flowing out of him like that of a rushing current. He hated him, hated how he forced them to live. He couldn't stand the taste of small animals while the air swirled with the sweet scent of their true prey.

Edward watched as Esme wept without tears. The shouting drowned out that of his 'parents' thoughts. Both of them knew his unhappiness, he had felt it the day Carlisle had taken his mortal life away from him. Then Esme had come along. Carlisle loved her with a passion and she him. For a while Esme had lightened Edwards heart, giving him a second mother. But it wasn't enough.

It hurt him to see the heartbreak that his words caused them both, they had been the only people he had known in this life. All others were just passing thoughts pulled from the air.

Carlisle sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Edward had never seen Carlisle look more tired or human since he had lived with him. He opened his eyes to reveal soft gold irises, they had just returned from hunting. "If you're truly unhappy, go, Edward. We won't force you to stay. This is your choice and you should be allowed to make it freely." His words hung in the air with the weight of sadness. "Just know whatever you do, Esme and I will welcome you back with open arms. Please just be careful, there are those who won't be so forgiving."

Carlisle took one last longing look at the boy he had started to call son. Please find happiness. Was the last thing he thought before he took Esme's hand and disappeared up the wooden stairs silently.


So this is just my take on why Edward left for the short time after Carlisle had turned him. I hope you guys enjoy this book because I am going to love writing it. I havne't decidied if the chapters from here on will be in first person or third and who's perspective it will be in, still playing around with ideas.




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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2016 ⏰

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