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Chapter I

"Fuck!" He didn't need to scream that loudly to get his voice to carry. The gymnasium was practically like an abandoned building.

I looked over at where the voice had come from and stared at a particularly interesting scene. A boy, taller than him, stood a few feet away with an emptied bottle of water. Once the last of the clear liquid has dropped on his head, he backed away to look at the flames burning in his eyes. The shorter one, whom of which looked like he hadn't showered in months, threw the first punch into the taller guys sorry face. Immediately the taller one's head snapped to the side, only to return with the nastiest of all glares and throw a punch at the homeless looking one.

As the fight continued on they started to drift from their side into my classes side of the gym. They were punching each other, kicking each other, pulling each other's hair, just anything to inflict the most amount of pain. It honestly looked like a cat fat between two guys. Eventually both classes got into it and circled around them screaming "Fight, Fight!" Which got the attention of the teacher, of course. But not before I got pushed into the line of fire by a fat student named Albert who was jumping up and down to the beat of the chant.

"That's enough! Break it up!" Two teachers came and pulled the boys off of each other. In the midst of all the chaos they ended up throwing more punches. People were running around the crowd trying to record it from all different angles, laughing and cheering even as a police officer approached them and demanded they shut off their recording devices. Finally, the final punch was thrown and I jumped back, a little surprised, and hit the ground with a bloody nose. Both ceased to fight and walked over to me, mostly the shorter boy, to see if I was okay.

Moments later all three of us were dragged back to the principal's office. Instead of following them into the office I walked to the room across the way to talk to the nurse. She was polite and nice, gave me an icepack to hold against my swollen face and a towel to stop the bleeding. From that room I could hear both the boys arguing about what happened, who started, for what reason, and then some. Somehow I got involved and was called into the room once my nose stopped bleeding.

A police officer guided me inside and pulled out a chair for me to sit on. He was far nicer to me than the other two boys, who were both glaring at each other from their side of the table. I kept the icepack on my swollen face. "So," The principal began, "what happened?" He was looking at me, but I just shrugged. Both of the boys looked at me intently, like they wanted me to speak the truth, but I knew that was only their truth. "Well?"

"I-I don't know..." I began. "He swore," I pointed to the shorter boy who looked like a hobo, "I think it was because he drench him with a water bottle"

The principal, who looked more like the CEO of a massive company, glared at the boys as they sunk into their chairs. "A water bottle? Really, Jason?"

The taller boy shrugged, I assumed his name was Jason. "I didn't-"

"Did you?" I glanced over at the shorter boy, who was undeniably soaking wet from the face down. I chuckled, getting a few looks from each of the people in the room. "What?"

"Nothing" I lied. "It's just, he's soaked"

The principal looked at the soaked boy with utter shock, like he hadn't noticed until just now. "You did this?"

Jason looked away with a burning fire in his eyes. Clearly he thought this piece of evidence would be overlooked. Not sure why. "Alright, detention for both of you. Maybe you can get along cleaning the cafeteria after school"

We left the office after that, Jason stomped away leaving heavy tracks down the tiled hallway. I was just about to go to my next class, seeing as gym had ended a while ago, but was stopped by a tug on my shirt. I turned around to see the shorter boy of the two, but he was still taller than me. Well, not too much taller, but probably a few good inches taller than me. He was smiling down to me and just then I noticed how good looking his face was. He had a dark tan with light blonde hair, which looked a bit odd but at the same time he looked good that way. His eyes were amazing too, like a dark jade color with long lashes. Other than the fact that he looked like he hadn't showered in a long while, he looked damn hot.

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