So I Figured

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So I Figured you, whoever reading this would want to know what Caroline and Skyler Looked like. Well here ya go.

Caroline - Caroline ' s hair is long and black. Her eyes are a bright blue. She also has black cat like ears in top of her head. And she wears a a tank top like shirt with capri. (Combine the two pictures below using the description.

 (Combine the two pictures below using the description

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Skyler - Skyler has brown hair

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Skyler - Skyler has brown hair. She also had grayish - blue eyes. Along with that she has a wolf tail and ears. She's never seen without headphones. Well rarely. She wears what's in the picture down below. (Except the long socks.) The picture is what she mostly looks like except for a few things j the description like the hair.

) The picture is what she mostly looks like except for a few things j  the description like the hair

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Well that's all for now folks!

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