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Yelling is getting me nowhere. Damn. This bastard seems to like dragging this whole kidnapping thing.

After displaying a tantrum, Evalina finally strolled off into the other rooms hoping to find her ticket out of this opera of death. Her eyes and head nodded as her energy began to falter, yet she still pressed on.

looking and searching, picking up, shoving items, pushing broken beams of wood and almost landing on shards of glass; Evalina looked through it all till she came upon a well kept dressing room.

Unlike the others, this room was enormous housing a wardrobe, pieces of furniture, a water closet, and a vanity with aged dusty mirrors overlooking it. However, the most impressive treasure was the full body mirror that reflected everything in the room.

Evalina saw herself and gasped. Strands of hair came out of her ponytail, covering her face and made the top of her head look like a bird's nest. Her clothes tattered and dirty, matching her face.

"Oh" She had no other words to say. "Oh".

Despite her position, she felt that her appearance was the last thing keeping her being herself. Being so disheveled seemed to bring out an almost animal like quality in her features. Her brown eyes seemed to turn red.

Like those eyes that burned.

Snapping out of her state, she looked around the room and saw a brush covered in dust. Grabbing it and wiping it, she began to brush her hair. It had taken her a while to work out the knots but in the end her hair became once again sleek and smooth, though still a bit dirty.

Going through the closet Evalina found many exquisite dresses, but many of them were too big and would make moving around difficult. Evalina settled for the least puffiest. Without a hoop skirt, the dress was perfect.

Over her head the dress went, hugging her chest and her torso but slightly loose around her legs. She looked again at herself and smiled. The dress was perfect. It still had its original white color and still had a few butterfly decorations across her shoulders and had a shimmering effect that was once perfect for the stages lights.

"Much better. Now for that stupid rose." She found the last One rather quickly as it was nonchalantly sitting in a crystal vase.

"Great. Monsieur! I have your-" She was cut off by an unearthly laugh.

The hairs on her neck stood up. Her heart beat quickend and her body trembled.

Evalina slowly looked around the room while making small steps twords the giant mirror.

"My dear, do you recognize this room? It is was here that we practiced your arias."

Evalina was flabbergasted to see not her reflection in the mirror, but the fiend who trapped her.

His appearance was different than their previous encounters. He still wore the dark robe, but you could see his elegant garments that had a noble charm about them. The mask that covered his whole head now covered the right side of his face, also showing his mahogany luscious hair.

His brilliant hazel eyes peered down before her in an amused way.

Evalina felt herself gawking and gave an awkward cough.

"Of course I do not know what you are talking about Monsieur. I have told you time and again that I am not the love from your past and that you have made a grave error in judgment. Please" she cried "let me return to my home. I am the daughter of Roul De Chagny and Christine De Changy, I refuse to play your cruel games any longer!"

Evalina felt her body tremble with rage. How dare he! She may have been a willing participant in his obnoxious games but enough was enough. No more.

The warm amusement in her advisories eyes was soon replaced with red coals of anger. Evalina made an involuntary step back .

"The Viscount?! That damn man who took my dreams, My Christine!?" The air in the room dropped to a freezing temperature "And you their child!?"

Evalina's face drained of all color as she realized she revealed who she was.

In Eric's mind he was enraged that fate had given him not a second chance with his beloved but a horrible outcome of the union from those he despised.
Yet, this little one was an innocent. She did not horbour the sin of betrayal like her mother. And her voice! God. Her voice brought back the light that was once there in his heart.

Fate might have given him irony, but it also gave him a new chance. What better way to have his revenge on the man he hated and the woman he once loved than keeping their child?

Sorry. I was distracted with other things pretaining to summer. Will try to update more as much as I can.

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