You may marry my daughter.

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Two years have passed and john was finally allowed to marry Jessica. Jessica's father was a strict man. When he said bring her back by 8:00 he meant 8:00 not a second to late. John had no problems with his rules because he loved Jessica a lot and was not going to disobey her father's rules. One time john took Jessica on a date but due to traffic he brought her 5 min later than the expected time. Jessica's father was so furious that John wasn't allowed to see her for a week. But he still called her in the morning to see how she's doing.  That weekend her father went out of town and wouldn't be back for a week. That week a band named mystery skulls were giving away a concert. Jessica's father left his two elder daughter and son to look after Jessica. She was forbidden to leave the house!  On the night of the concert John visited her and threw pebbles at her window. He even made a joke saying: Repunsell let down your long beautiful hair. She smiled and went down quietly. John kissed her, hi beautiful long time no see. Is the dragon out of the castle? She pushed him playfully. He's not a dragon! And are you my prince? John replied i don't know i have to think about it he joked. Come on your ride awaits. John drove an old mustang 76. He liked old cars. It was the best night they had since their one week apart. The concert ended and he brought her back home. On the way home Jessica was tired so she fell asleep in the car. He stared at her and felt really lucky to be with her. Hey beautiful you're home. I'll see you soon okay? Sweet dreams love. Call you in the morning. She quietly went inside but then the lights went on! Where have you been young girl!? It's 2:00 in the morning!  I....i was out with john. Her sister slapped her! Have you forgotten how strict father is! I have no choice but to tell him that you broke the rules. Nooo! Jessica begged. I love john with all my heart. Please father will let me break up with him. Fine i won't tell but you will have to do the chores until father comes back home. But if you do that again i will surely tell him. A week passed by and her father came back home. Children I'm back home. Where are they? When he went to the kitchen he was surprised because they threw him a welcome back party. Surprise! All of them yelled. And how was my little princess? Her sister looked at her and said ,she was fine she kept her promise. And the party went on. (Side note i had no idea he was about to say this) Jessica i want to tell you something.but john needs to be here too. Call him up dear. She was so nervous! What could father want! John! My father wants to talk to both of us! Can you come over love? After an hour he arrived and greeted nicely and met her father. Welcome back john said. Yes yes do sit down son. I see you have kept your promise to me.  I see your someone i can trust. That's why i allow you to take my daughter's hand in marriage. Jessica shrieked. Yes thank you daddy! John was shocked to hear that. I....i..i did i hear good sir? Yessss! He jumped and lifted Jessica up. Will you Jessica love marry me? And she said: i do! 

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