♔ w.b ♔

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name ; wallim baker { wyatt } origin of mythicality ; angel  sexuality ; bi age ; nineteen { frozen at age nineteen } birthdate ; tenth of june 1523 status ; taken by mephi

the youngest of the three indentical baker angels, wallim  is known as the protector of the bakers. in the humane enviornment wyatt is a heroic figure of his country just like he would of been in the heavens, protecting the world close to home as a pilot in the royal australian airforce, using his angelic powers to help in the high-risk situations of the world. somewhere along the line wallim inherited giantatical genes making the angel a looming 6"7. however wyatt does have demonic tendencies due to his father's nature, this comes in the form of a strong sense of discipline, being secretive, OCD tendencies and nightmares. when not protecting our world, wallim loves to travel the world - watching it evolved over the hundreds of years he's been placed on the each. however recently he has found a ordinary named mephi who he has fallen head over heels in love with and can't wait to bring him home one day and show him a place just as beautiful as himself.

F C ; L U K E  H E M M I N G S

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