Chapter One

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You ever wonder what it's like, to just let go of all life's problems, and be completely at peace? To never have another care in the world...

'Ah geez I don't have time for this,' I wisper to myself as I walk down the hallway, quickly glancing down towards my watch. It 3:20 I need to be in chemestry! I struggle to keep all my books in hand while speed walking down the hall. My hair tie is coming undone, my skirt is falling down, why do I even try to look nice for school?
I finally reach my chemestry lab and I walk in side with out thinking. As soon as the door is shut behind me, all my classmates are staring. I look around to find them all with test tubes filled with acid, already dressed and working. Then, I make eye contact with my teacher.
"Glad you decided to show up Catherine. Your partner and I have been waiting," she says.
I walk to the back of the class where, my lab partner Jack, stands smiling.
"What are you smiling about?" I ask giving him a slight grin.
"Oh nothing," he returns with a hint of sarcasm.
I slide on my, gloves, and lab coat and get out my notebook. I can see Jack looking at me. He bends down to my hight and wispers,
"Where on earth haveyou been?" in a deep, Irish accent.
"What's it's to you?" I glance at him.
He laughs to himself
"Oh it's just you've been late to this class for the past week now, can't I be a little worried about my lassie?"
I role my eyes and giggle, making him smile.
"I've just been a little busy." I tell him.
I take a peice of magnesium and place it in the tube, writing down the reaction.
"Alright fine, but if it happens again I'll have to teach you a lesson." he jokes "Psh, whatever. Get to work Jack"
He smiles at me and looks at me with his deep blue eyes, and the adorable scruff from not shaving this morning. His shaggy brown hair, dangling over his glasses. I shake my head and look away, unable to hide my smile. He knows I think he's cute. But I don't have a chance with him.
The bell rings and I check the time. Damn it's already 4:00, I think to myself. I take off my gear and gather my things. Walking out the door, I see my friend Lilo standing outside waiting for me. Before I could say hi, Jack grabs me by the shoulder and says,
"I better see you tomorrow. And on time." he winks and let's me go.
I shake it and make my way twords Lilo. She grins and me and pokes my sides.
"Oooo Catherine's got a boyfriend!" she teases. I laugh at her, she already knows we're just friends.
"Ha ha funny, what are you, 12? You know we're just friends."
She frowns.
"I wish you guys would cut the crap. If you won't tell him I will."
I ignore her, getting into my locker.
"Whatever. Hey do you have the homework for algebra? I need help." she says.
I look at her, wide eyes,
"We had.. Homework?" I ask.
She laughs, "well at least we're in trouble together," she says as I sigh in misery.
"Guess so," I breathe out the words.
"Let's go," I say, as we head to algebra.

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