Chapter Two

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I hate when she gives me that look...

The buzz of my phone is what wakes me up from my amazing nap. I'm not sure if I should upset or excited. Its Lilo, it reads,
*hey Catherine it's me, you should meet me at the coffee shop. I gotz a suprize for ya*
I raise myself up out of bed and stretch my arms and legs. Putting on my glasses I swing my legs over the side of the bed and stand. Walking to the kitchen, I happen to look up at the clock. What time did she send that? I think to myself. I look at my phone and click the messege. Crap. She sent it an hour ago and I have to be there in 20 mins. I groan loudly and rub my face. I am so not in the mood to be in a hurry. I go to get dressed and wash my face.
This better be good.


I pull open the coffee shop door and walk in. There I see Lilo sitting, laté in one hand and a peice of paper in the other. As soon as she sees me her eyes light up in excitement and she gestures for me to sit down.
"You're late." she giggles
"You know I don't get up that early. How long have you been waiting here?" I ask.
"Psh 2, maybe...4 hours." she says, taking a sip of her laté.
I can smell the Carmel from here.
"Whatever just, why did you want me here, what's wrong?"
"Nothing! Nothing's wrong! Only that there is going to be a very big party tonight and guess who's invited!!"
She turns around the paper and waves it it my face. I grab it and read out Loud,
'Helloooo!! And welcome to the time of your life! We invite YOU to this fabulous party!!'
After that is just the time, date, place, and host.
"Why would you, of all people want to go to this?" I laugh
"Uh, because! It's like the biggest party of the year! And I wanted you to come with me."
By this time she's practically yelling at me.
"Shhh ok calm down" I say.
She's knows I'm not a party person why would she even try to get me to come?
"Look ok, I've got it all planned out. We both wear beautiful dresses and get out hair and nails done and we can have a night to be princesses!" she says excitedly.
I shake my head and let out a small laugh.
"Common please Catherine." she begs.
I hesitate for a moment then finally agree.
"Fine, but you're paying for our drinks." I say.
"YES! Yes of course! Anything! Omg were going to have so much fun!" she squeals.
She gets up and grabbed my hand, practically dragging me out of the shop.
"We have to get a dress!" She laughs while pulling me.
"Haha ok ok Lilo calm down!"
"Let's go!" she says as she closes the door behind us.


"You look amazing" she grins, as I step into the car.
"Lilo this dress is really uncomfortable. Do you think we should still do this?" I ask.
"If course we should! We both look hela fabulous we have to show it off!"
I buckle the seat belt and try to get comfortable. I love Lilo to death but some of the things she does is just outrageous.
"How far away is the party anyway?" I ask.
"Oh not far" she exclaimes
I look at the window as the car starts to move. The sky is bright blue, and the sun is shining. The air smells fresh and clean driving down the road. Honestly I don't think I'm ready to go to this party. What if Lilo gets drunk? What if I get drunk? What if Jack is there? I don't know if I can do this. I breath out and look at Lilo. She gives me a big smile and I return it. Yeah, I'm defiantly not ready.

Authors Note:
Hello! I'm not sure if I should continue this story.. So if you think I should tell me please :)! Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2016 ⏰

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