~Chapter 3: *Lessons of the past*

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Hey! The picture is Kizuato. So the one without color is a pic I found in the Internet -I don't own that picture- , and the other one is a drawing my best friend made of Kizuato, with the colors and such. Basically, he's suppose to look like the first picture, and the second one is to show what colors he is, and etc....

*Warning: swearing*

Me: Hey readers!! Today, I'm here with my bijuu friends!!!
All Bijuu: ...
Me: Anyways, let me introduce you to them!! Shall we? -points to the first tailed beast- This, everyone, is Shukaku, the Ichibi/One-Tail.
Shukaku: IM THE BES-
Me: Next is Matatabi, the Nibi/Two-Tails.
Matatabi: Hello.
Me: Then there is Isobu, the Sanbi/Three-Tails, Son Gokū, the Yonbi/Four-Tails, Kokuō, the Gobi/Five-tails, Saiken, the Rokubi/Six-Tails, Chōmei, the Nanabi/Seven-Tails, Gyūki, the Hachibi/Eight-Tai-
Gyūki: Why am I here-
All Bijuu: -sweat drops-
Me: -clears throat- As I was saying, Gyūki, the Hachibi/Eight-Tails, and last but not least, the Kyūbi, the Nine-Tails, the one who will say the disclaimer, Kur-
Kurama: I'll kill you.
Kurama: Tch, you can't tell me what to do.
Me: Oh, yes I can.... -laughs evilly- This is MY story....I can do whatever i want to do with you. I can even, oh..i dont know.....-make Naruto sing Baby from Justin Beiber 24/7. - grins evilly-
Kurama: -eyes widden- You wouldn't.....
Me: Oh yes, i would. And since you are inside Naruto, you will hear it loud and clear. And to add to the fact that your listening to a bad song, Naruto is gonna be the one singing it, so you should expect many voice cracks and notes that are off melody. So, my dear, what shall you pick?
Kurama: -gulps- _T-tainted_Hearts_ does n-not own Naruto or its characters...... She only o-owns her OC's.
All Bijuu: -smirks-
Me: There! Was that so hard?
Kurama: Yes....
Me: Well, you should be grateful. I mean, at least I didn't kick you in the nuts.
Hidan: She's right man.
Me: Well, Anywho. On with ze ztory!!! -points with gun/finger- Anddddddddd start! -"shoots"-


No.........no........i-it can't be.... H-he's not..............He can't be dead...

The boy who saved me from that fatal hit was now laying on the ground with his head on my laps. He's bleeding heavily and if i don't stop the bleeding, he would certainly die any moment now.
"W-why would you do something so stupid....." I said, my voice cracking from trying to hold back my tears.
"B-because...i-i saw.. some..one w-who needed..hel..p...... A-and I simply  c-cannot ig..nore a damsel in d-distress...." He said, grinning...well, more like tried to.
"B-baka......." I whispered, letting my tears roll down my cheek.

                            ~{*}~{*}~{*}~{*}~{*}~{*}~{*}~About 40 minutes ago{*}~{*}~{*}~{*}~{*}~{*}~{*}~

AGHHHH!!! This is infuriating!!!
That foolish girl thinks she can handle a spirit nin on her own!!! I mean, how stupid is she?!
And then when she would be in trouble, i would have to go and save her!
Geez.......sometimes, i wonder how the hell we're related...

I guess sometimes we are pretty different because she is more like mom, while I'm a mixture of both her and dad.
Like mom, i'm outgoing, hyper, independent, and goofy.
And like dad, i'm serious when it comes to fighting for survival and I know when i'm about to lose a fight.
Unlike mother, who believes she can handle everyone and everything on her own, I, like dad, know when to back down from a fight. If i notice my opponent is stronger than me, and that i have no hope in winning, i would think of a strategy that would lead me to victory or call for backup. But i would never continue blindly fighting on my own if my defeat is obvious.

A Chance In Life (*Kakashi Love Story*)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt