∞ 18

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Chapter Song: Get'cha Head in the Game - High School Musical

"You gotta get'cha get'cha get'cha get'cha head in the game..."


I knew the day that my parents renounced me for my sexuality was almost inevitable. It would be a miracle if they actually did accept me for who I was. All of my older cousins were doctors and lawyers and held other notable careers and titles. Their parents were proud of them and looked to them as if they held the world in their hands. In our family, it was almost a war between the parents. It was all about whose children were more capable and successful. Every week, one cousin would come out on top and have their parents make calls and brag about their achievements. It was seldom that I was that cousin.

Basketball was my passion even though I was academically smart. Other than being a professional basketball player or some type of computer engineer, I wasn't sure what I wanted to be. It certainly wasn't a doctor or a lawyer, which was probably why I never got bragged about. I was lucky that my parents accepted my career choices and how I was going about college. My sexual orientation just pushed them overboard, and I couldn't exactly be mad at them. They had expectations for me and I let them down.

All my parents wanted was to launch a child from their nest that met their standards and the family's standards. My brother was a drug dealer and I was gay, probably the two worst things that people could be in my family. We honestly shamed them with our choices, but I couldn't help how I felt romantically towards girls and Shen may deal drugs but he wasn't a horrible person. We were still their children. I just wished they could accept us the way that we were. I wished they didn't care about how the rest of our family felt. I wished they actually considered Shen and I's feelings and lifestyles rather than their own.

No matter how much I wished these things would happen, I knew that they wouldn't. It was okay. It felt much better not hiding who I truly was. It felt even better knowing that I had Emery. I had her adorable giggles, smile and stupid jokes to keep me company through it all. That was why I loved her. She always brought sunshine in my life even in the stormiest days. It felt so good to finally tell her the three words. She lit up and that only made me feel better.

It was midweek now and even though it had only been four days since my parents disowned me, I knew that there was not a chance in hell that they were allowing me back into their household. With that said, I began making preparations for how and where I would live for the summer. Even though I wasn't too fond of the idea, Sonny said that I could crash on her sofa all summer long. She wasn't asking for anything for the rent and there weren't many places I could live at for completely free. For the fall semester, however, I knew that I wouldn't be able to come up with the money to live at the sorority house so I decided to go the cheaper option and lease out my very own apartment for next year. It was a bold step and what made it even bolder was the fact that Emery signed it with me.

The future of our relationship was unknown, but we both agreed that even if we did break up we could still stand each other enough to live together. Plus, Frankie and Danny had also signed up to live with us so if things got bad, they could most likely keep the peace. It was like within just a few days, my life began piecing together or crumbling apart but either way I felt more independent.

Being freshly shunned by my parents gave me some pretty crazy mood swings. One moment, I'd be happy as if nothing ever happened and then the next, I'd just want to be alone and sulk in misery. It was a given. My whole life was changing suddenly so it was going to take me a while to adjust. One thing about it, though, was on the court...well, I was pretty f-cking sh-tty. During practice, I was missing all of the shots that I could normally make with my eyes closed. Lay-ups were even a struggle for me. It was horrifying and I could tell that my coach and teammates were all dying inside.

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