Body language of love

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You have to recognize the eyes that love you from the start.
It's hard to recognize the difference in the eye that want to break you apart.
We all close our eyes and open our hearts.
We walk around without sanity.
We travel in love with our hear on our cheek.
It's simple for this is were people can bleed.
You take their heart and walk away
Leaveing us to bleed all day,
Buried in dismay
You never knew the difference from the beginning.

Watch the hands
It will show at you fingertips
Love, serenity, care, and if they are scared
At the palm of you Hand you can tell
Wether that someone is in love

A smile can show a lot
But when in love
Our hearts cover our cheek not allowing us to see.
If you love that smile,
Do one thing.
Move their heart to a more secure space,
So you can love their heart but know you can't walk away with it,
And also enjoy the brightness in Their smile that isn't covered In some places.

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