Name the fallen dragon.

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Long ago, two races ruled over the Earth: HUMANS, DRAGONS, and MYTHICS. One day, war broke out between the two races. After a long battle, the humans were victorious. They sealed the mythics underground with a magic spell.

Many years later.   .   .

Inilth woke up in a bed of crimson flowers. As he got up, he could feel his wings flop around on his back. Great. Broken. again. He sighed. He opened his gem pouch, but only finding one gem... A Gold Tigers Eye. Shoot... Must've been raided. Whatever. I can make this work. He took out the gem and held it in his palm. "Gynlb." His body began to change, from the large, blue dragon... To a small, white child in a blue and white stripped shirt, with blueish shorts and dark, of course, blue shoes. He attached the pouch the his waist and put the gem away. Well... Tried to. The gem just sort of fell out when he put it in manually.  He sighed and looked up. There, right in front of him, was a sort of menu.. At the top, was his name: Inilth. Below that was a 'LV 1', 'HP 20/20', and 'G 0'. Below that, 'Item' and 'Stat. He tapped the item option, but it wouldn't open. He the decided to tap stat.
LV 1
HP 20/20

AT 0 (0)   EXP: 0
DF 0 (0)   NEXT: 10

Weapon: Gold Tiger Eye
Armor: Bandage


Oh yeah. He had forgotten he was still wearing a bandage. Just minutes before he had fallen, he had cut his chest. It was small, but still, it was bleeding. He sighed and closed the menu. He looked to his left. An opening. The only one he could take to leave this tiny room at the moment, and his wings were broken. Again.... Inilth began walking down the hallway, gem in hand, until he came to a door with a strange symbol at the top... Delta Rune... He decided to call it. He had no idea what it meant, but it sounded cool. He walked through the door. There, in the center of the next room, sat a small red flower... With a face. "Howdy! I'm Rosey! Rosey the flower!" She said. Woah... And I thought I was weird looking. Inilth thought. Rosey continued. "Hmmm... You're new to the UNDERGROUND, aren' tcha? Golly, you must be so confused. Someone ought to teach you how things work around here! I guess little old me will have to do. Ready? Here we go!" An area menu with a light blue heart in the center appeared in front of Inilth, and below that a 'LV 1', an HP bar, and a 20/20. "See that heart?" Rosey asked. "That is your SOUL, the very culmination of your being!" Four arrows appeared bellow the heart on the menu. He moved around in reality, and the hear moved in the same directions, the menu moved with him, and always stayed in front of him. "Your SOUL starts off weak, but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV. What's LV stand for? Why, LOVE, of course! You want some LOVE, don't you? Don't worry, I'll share some with you!" She winked and stuck her tongue out. WOAH WHAT. Inilth though. "Down here, LOVE, is shared through... Little white..." Five bullets appeared above Rosey, spinning rapidly. "'friendlyness pellets.' Are you ready? Move around! Get as many as you can!" The bullets floated towards Inilth. He walked up to the friendlyness pellets and grabbed one, and one ran into his soul on the menu.

HP [|   ] 1/20

The pellet stung his palm, and he fell to the ground, clutching his palm. "GAHH!" He screamed. He looked up to see Rosey smiling evilly.. She looked completely different. More... Evil. For lack of a better word. "You idiot." She said. "In this world, it's kill or BE killed. Why would ANYONE pass up an opportunity like this?!" Bullets appeared surrounding Inilth. "Die." The menu grew... He could see the bullets surrounding it... And closing in. He looked up, and saw the bullets pulling closer. Rosey laughed the entire time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2016 ⏰

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