Chapter 11

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The next day, I woke up with a grin on my face, I cant believe it Im with Zayn, Am I dreaming? Then I started to look at Zayn who's sleeping

"You know,you can take a picture if you want" He said while opening his eyes

"Funny Zayn, well goodmorning to you"I said

"Goodmoring babe"While he kissed me on my forehead. I stood up but Zayn hold me

"Where you going?"He asked

I make face like 'duh?'

"Well I was going to kitchen to make breakfast so please remove your hands now?"I said

"No babe, I'll make breakfast not you" I smiled

When we reach the kitchen He started to get pancakes

"Pancakes for breakfast " He said

"Yum! So uhm btw Zayn what are we up to ?" I said

"Well how about We go on a date?" he said

"Oh I like that" i hug him while he is cooking those pancakes

Zayn's POV

Sht! She's so gorgeous I mean she's perfect! Oh wait we have a date! Hahaha It should be very romantic

"7:30pm ok?" i said to her and she nods


Omg! I'm very very sorry! I didn't update for the past few weeks ! Its just that Were so busy at school!

And i update today kinda short but I'll update later today:)

Well i will write a new story about 5SOS entitled OBSESSION. Soo you guys should wait lol



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