The Plot

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Hey Everyone!

My pen name is Nya-Chan and this is my first fan fiction done here on wattpad! This fanfic features Chloe x Rascal, I hope you all like it, so imma shut up now so you guys can enjoy it, Enjoy!~

My pen name is Nya-Chan and this is my first fan fiction done here on wattpad! This fanfic features Chloe x Rascal, I hope you all like it, so imma shut up now so you guys can enjoy it, Enjoy!~

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Nobody's POV:

Somewhere in the shadow realm...

A shadowed figure floated atop of a dark pool, talking to some invisible force

"Glitter Lucky: or Emily, as her friends call her. I find her to be an immature weakling who believes that every story will end happy. She is not worth taking down, Master."

"Glitter Sunny: or Kelsey. She makes me want to puke, all that effort could easily be used elsewhere instead of with the glitter force. It would be better to let your other forces take her down."

"Glitter Peace: Ugh. The crybaby wouldn't last a single moment against your forces, but I still advise you take this one cautiously. Taking her down will be like taking candy from a baby. (Haha not Candy the pixie, then it would be REALLY hard to take her from a baby XD) But she doesn't give the team the effect we want..."

"Glitter Spring: 'A force as strong as life itself' Spring would make the team suffer but..."

A voice broke through

"Why do you refrain!?! To defeat the Glitter Force, we need to take one of them down, Stick to the plan, Rascal, or I'll be-"

"Yes, yes master. You know I am most loyal to you. But there is one more..."

"Good. Will this one count?"

"Yes, she will."

The dark air chilled as the two mysterious figures broke into gales of evil cackling.

Rascal's POV:

For as long as I can remember, I have always hated the glitter force. Ruining my evil plans with their sparkling tools, and silly catchphrases, I have harbored a special hatred for each one of them.

Well... All of them except for one...

Glitter Breeze: or Chloe. She is strong –not like Kelsey or April- But strong in her own way. Tall, fresh, smart... She would affect EVERYONE. She is the student council vice president at rainbow hills, (whatever that is, it sounds important.) She helps with archery. Their little school wouldn't be anything without her- And neither would the Glitter Force!

Yes, she is the one...

That will make her friends PAY.

*evil laughter*

*evil laughter*

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Haha. I hope you guys enjoyed it, as usual. And thanks for the views, this is fun!

And again, i'm clocking out. I think i *might* do another update later on today. Just don't take my word for this, kk?


Dancing with the Joker (RascalxChloe glitter force)Where stories live. Discover now