Chapter one

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The little baby cooed in Sirius Black's hands. She was already getting tufts of red hair. Like Lily's.

A tear fell from Sirius's eye onto the baby's forehead. The small baby opened her eyes, revealing the green little orbs, once hidden by her eyelids. She looked just like Lily. Except one strip of black hair in all the red.

Sirius held her tightly in his arms and started out to the dark castle, that usually was lit at the windows.

He created a boat from thin air with his wand and put the small baby into the boat.

She squirmed and started to cry. Sirius shushed her, and it looked like she was going to smile. She did not know her parents were dead. Nor did she know that her brother was in one of the most important prophecies of all time.

"Octavia Potter, take care." Sirius touched her forehead with his lips quickly, and pushed the boat away from land, towards the castle, known as Hogwarts.


Octavia's POV
I woke up from my four poster bed. Luna and Cho were already sitting at the end of my bed.

"Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey," Cho said, helping me to my feet.

I hugged them both. I missed them so much over the summer! They are my only friends, if you don't count Hermione and Jack. Hermione! Jack!

"Is breakfast over?" I asked, already pulling on my robes.

"Not at all. It just started," Luna said in her dreamy voice.

I smiled and started brushing my red hair with the black streak so it didn't look crazy.

"Come on Octavia Dumbledore. Let's get on with this." I smiled and walked down the dormitory, passing the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw.

We walked out of our dormitory and down the staircases. Luna tripped and I caught her just in time. Good thing I had reflexes from quiditch.

We walked into the Great Hall and I ran over to Hermione, who saw me immediately.

"Octavia!" She yelled, hugging me. "I didn't see you last night for the big feast." I face palmed myself for that.

"I totally forgot. I slept all day yesterday. The house elves brought me food."

Hermione immediately scrunched up her face in disgust. "They shouldn't be slaves. They should have the same right as us," she said, her face turning red.

"Calm down, Hermione." I looked and saw Harry Potter, smiling at me. I smiled thankfully at him and walked to my table, Luna and Cho in tow. Harry watched Cho a bit longer than was necessary. Crush much?

We took are usual seats at the Ravenclaw table and my friend Jack passed me some bacon on a plate.

I took it gladly, eating it in two bites. "Thanks, Jack." He smiled and I hugged him from across the table.

"Professor Flitwick gave me your schedule," Jack said, passing me a scroll of parchment.

I took it and looked through it. Ugh. I had double Potions today. Professor Snape hated my guts for some reason. But, at least it was with the Griffindors. I'll have Hermione to talk to.

"Double Potions!" I sighed, grabbing a peice of toast from Cho.

"Well, Luna and I don't have double potions," Cho said, and I playfully punched her.

She gave me the death glare and stomped off to her sixth year friends. She was acting almost normal now. But, she forgot to clean up the tear stain still thick on her cheeks.


This is my first book ever. I dont no how short to make these chapters but, it is more than 300 words. This goes to Newt_x_Olivia for the Writers Games. Hope you like!!!!


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