Chapter 04

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Being late to class is so humiliating. Everyone stares at you with laughter in their eyes, and then you have to give the teacher a believable excuse. Of course, no one would believe that I had been out late doing a photoshoot, so I was stuck saying my car broke down. I could tell that Ms. Anderson didn't believe my lie, but she waved me off anyway, and I quickly sat down in my seat, eager to escape the stares. I've usually been better at managing my two alternate lives, but this year everything seems so much harder. Maybe it's because of all the college pressure from the counsellors, or maybe it's because I'm not ready to let everyone know my secret. All I know for sure is that it's stressing me out. Teenagers shouldn't be this stressed.

Ms. Anderson started collecting the homework, and Josh kicked the back of my chair, reminding me that I still had his in my bag. I quickly gave it to him, eager to get that weight off my chest. I'd made sure to do his homework good, but still believable. Ms. Anderson smiled in surprise as she took Josh's homework, and as she passed, I watched him high five one of his friends. Asshole. Ms. Anderson drew our attention back to her and announced that we would be having our first test in a week. I stifled a groan, knowing that Josh was likely to bully me into giving him the answers. I don't think that boy has ever done his own work. She gave us some work to do, and I tried to focus on it but found myself distracted by Lucas as he rushed inside. At least I wasn't that late.

Lucas gave Ms. Anderson his pass and he quickly came to sit next to me. "Hey, sorry I'm late, I went to see Emma."

I nodded and caught him up on what he had missed. The bell rang and as everyone started to leave, I was pulled backwards. I turned to look at Josh who was looking at me with a thoughtful expression. Honestly, seeing him think is scarier then when he's shouting. I frowned at him and he seemed to snap out of his daze, his face immediately becoming a scowl. He didn't say a word as he shoved his homework in my arms and stalked out of the classroom, and for that I was grateful. I'd heard enough of his annoying voice last night, no need for a refresher so soon.

"Ana?" Ms. Anderson called out.

I jumped as I remembered that I was still in her classroom, and I started to blush in embarrassment. Mumbling a quick apology for taking so long, I ran down the hallway to Physics, happy to find Gigi waiting for me. I nearly dozed off during the video presentation we had to watch, but luckily class ended quickly, and I was able to escape outside. Deciding to forego my usual position on the bleachers, I headed up to the old announcer's booth and sat in one of the seats. Making a mental note to bring Emma here next time, I looked over at the field and felt my heart flutter. In front of me was a group of twenty or so shirtless guys playing football. Holy crap, today's looking pretty good. They soon moved out of my view, and I couldn't help but pout as I pulled out The Book Thief. I've already read it three times, but it's just such a good read! Maybe I am a nerd after all.

I became so engrossed in the book that I didn't notice the lunch bell had rang until Lucas started calling me. I started walking back to the school but changed my path towards the picnic tables. It's too nice of a day to be stuck inside. Gigi and Lucas came out to sit with me, and everything seemed to be going perfect until I noticed Melinda storming towards Josh, who had come outside to smoke. They started shouting at each other, and three of us tried to slink away, but only succeeded in drawing their attention to us.

"Hey!" Melinda shouted. She stomped her foot like a spoiled child, and I had to hold in my laugh. She's a manipulative bitch, and she is great at causing emotional damage, but she still comes off as a whiny two-year old.

I didn't wait to listen to their verbal abuse as I pulled my friends inside quickly. We ran down the hallway and skidded to a stop near the lockers just as lunch ended. The crowd emerging from the cafeteria gave us cover and we quickly managed to get to class. I managed to get through English without a fuss, and I nearly forgot about Josh until I saw him sitting in the art classroom, a dark look apparent on his face. I slid into my seat and watched as Mrs. Rosengren started handing out the information packets for our first real assignment.

The Fake Nerd | Book One of the Fake SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now