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What's happening? Where are we? Why did your heart stop? What will become of them and Ema? Poor little girl. We must go now... To our family... Help us! Help us!

Aki's POV

My eyes opened ever so slightly. I lifted myself up straight, but I kept my head down. Shaking from that horrible voice, I tightened my grip on the sheets.

"I don't want to be with them," I mumbled to myself.

Masoami walked in oblivious to me sitting upright. I just continued to stare down until he noticed me. He was giving me a look of concern. It was like he was deciding if he should put me on more medication.

"Are you alright?" I looked up and smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine." He still wasn't convinced but proceeded to move on from the subject. According to Masoami, I was able to leave in the next few hours, but there was barely anything to do. "What am I supposed to do in that amount of time?"

"I'm sure you could find something, you have done it for a while." I rolled my eyes and fell back onto the bed. Why was it so boring? I didn't realize I had been here for a long time. Everything just took a wrong turn. I have made horrible mistakes and I just assumed on things. I'm just glad I saved two people I cared about. Time did seem to fly when I was finally discharged from the hospital. Now it was time to go home. Azusa and lori waited for me outside with the car running. I smiled at him and tried to wave, but stumbled to the side. Lucky for me Masoami was there. Azusa ran up in complete worry.

"Are you okay!?" I felt his arms lift me up and I looked at him. "Yeah, I'm fine... You can set me down now." He decided not to listen and looked at his elder brother. They both nodded as if agreeing on something. Usually, I wouldn't know, but it was Azusa telling Masoami that they could handle it from there. The man sat me in the passenger side seat. I was still sore even after being in that hospital. After arriving home, lori helped me inside. He started to quietly take me to my bedroom, but I wanted to sit on the couch instead.

"Please take me to the couch," I asked.

He wanted to argue, but he did it anyway. I was able to walk down the stairs with ease. It still hurt really bad, but I could work through it. Wataru as always ran to me first. The impact of his hug practically killed me, but I stood there and smiled instead of groaning in pain. I didn't want my little brother to worry about me.

"Hey, Wataru!" He smiled at me and hugged me again. Oh, the pain!

"Wataru," Ukyo started. "Why don't you get ready for bed?"

"Can Aki sing me a song before bed!?" I knew he wanted me to, but I couldn't as of right now. I was actually going to tell this kid no.

"That's up to her." Of course, it was. The boy turned to me full of joy.

"I'm sorry, but I can't tonight. Maybe tomorrow night?" The boy actually was excited, not upset.

"Okay," Wataru continued to smile at me. "Your health is more important... Get better soon!" He hugged me one last time and proceeded out of the room. "What an awesome kid," I said as I walked towards the couch. School started tomorrow, but I still had some time to kill. I sat on the couch and cuddled with my cat. Tsubaki walked into the room but jumped once he saw me.

"You're finally out of the hospital!?" He exclaimed. With that, he also gave me a hug, but he was more gentle.

"Say, why don't we celebrate your coming home?"

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