chapter 2

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"YOU FUCKING SLUT!" I look up to see Ron in the doorway. He walks over and pulls carl off of me and grabs me by my shirt throwing me to the ground.
He turns to Carl and punches him twice. I get up and walk over to him and hit the back if his head. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Ron turns to me pure anger in his eyes and tackles me "DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON YOU BITCH!" He punched me and kneed me in my stomach. He keeps punching me Im in so much pain I can hardly move I then see Carl rip Ron off of me. "GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER!" He punched Ron so many times I lost count. Ron was knocked out Carl grabbed him by his feet and pulled him to the door he left him outside and locked the door. "Are you ok?" I look at him and shake my head no in response.
I then hear a faint cry from Judiths room Carl gets up and walks upstairs. I push myself in a corner of the couch and start to ball. Carl comes down and sees me he runs over and puts an arm around me and pulls me close. "Candy you know I won't let him do that to you." I look at him. My mom used to call me candy before she died. "Are u joking or for real cause being with Ron means that he will beat the shit out of me" Carl looks at me he lets out a small cry and grabs my book and hands it to me. "How about we read sex and shit?"

Sorry for the short chapter ganna update tonight but I have to finish a book for school first

How He Killed Me C.G.Where stories live. Discover now