Chapter 1: The Bloody Crime

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In the year of 2001, it was the 9th of April and a baby was born. There she was a beautiful, pale with smooth skin. She has big adorable eyes and her name is baby violet, with brownish blackish hair that has pink hair in the end of her tips. Her mother had violet in her arm. She was just smiling and giggling with her mother. It was her first birthday of violet. She had spoke her 1st word and it was "I love you mommy and daddy". They had gone to celebrate over to Chuck E. Cheese and had invited her family to join her.Violet just flying to each game with her mom holding her in a pouch and each game Violet would giggle while her mother plays. Then it was her 1st halloween with her parents and she was just in her costume and it was a cute little soft pumpkin. And she had a lot of candy and she just smiling and just tired of all the excitement. Then it was Christmas and she still 1 year old. It was her first Christmas with her family. All she got for Christmas is a lot of baby things like bottles, also got different type of clothes.

Then 4 years later, she was having her 5th birthday and she was walking. She was just having fun with her kindergarten friends. After all the fun it was 8 pm and they drove off. Violet was sleeping in the car while her parents was driving her home. Then when they got home her father carried her to her room. He put her to bed and cover her and she was just grinning and then her parents kiss her forehead and said " goodnight my beautiful flower". Then they went to bed and just fell asleep. Midnight came and violet woke up of screaming in horror of her parents.

"What was that? Mommy daddy," cried violet

Then she got out her warm bed and went to see out her bedroom door and look out the dark , creepy,scary ,and cold hallway.

"Mommy daddy,"cried violet again.

She saw her parents room shining the hallway and she went to her parents room then turn on the light. She saw her parents and saw some sort of red liquid that's all over the walls and floor.

"What's that,"curiously violet.

"Oh mommy and daddy spilled cranberry juices all over the places," said Violet.

"I should call Aunt Rose its +1(702)240-8644 yeah Hello",said Violet.

Aunt Rose answer the call,"Hey Violet so why did you call me".

"Oh can you come over because mommy and daddy spilled some cranberry and there in many pieces i think there pretending to be"said Violet.

"WAIT WHAT"Aunt Rose screaming through the phone.

"Ok i'll be in or least minutes wait there and stay put at the living room,"said Aunt Rose.

"Ok i can't wait till you come i'll be watching some videos or my favorite show or i'll play with the cranberry juice in mommy and daddy's room,"said Violet.

"What?Wait No,"said Aunt Rose but she was to late and violet hung up on her.

"Oh No", said Aunt Rose but in her mind.

She rushed through the traffic sinces shes a detective so she has a siren on her vehicle. Only took 5 minutes because she lives around the neighborhood.Aunt rose went into the apartments plaza and park close to her niece's apartment. She got out and rushed to her door and ringed the doorbell and knocked and screaming but violet was so busy in lalaland and just having fun with the cranberry juice on the floor. Then Aunt Rose just realized that she has the keys to the apartment because her sister gave to her if she could babysit or in case of emergency.

Then she got the key and unlocked the door. Then violet heard Aunt Rose calling her and she went running to Aunt Rose and hug her.

'Oh my gosh i thought something would happen to you,"said Aunt Rose.

"It's ok Auntie i'm still here,"said Violet.

Then Aunt Rose Check if she's injured but notice her clothes is full of blood.

"Umm... Sweetie explain to me why your clothes is full of red liquid,"said Aunt Rose.

"Oh it's just cranberry juice and i was playing around with it at mother's room,"said Violet

"Ok can you go change your clothes and go pack your things and go sit in the living room,"said Aunt Rose.

"Ok Auntie,"said Violet.

Then Violet went to her room and pack all her clothes and stuff that will keep her busy like a IPad, coloring books,and more.After she did that she went to the living room. She turn on the television and put her favorite variety shows. While she watch tv, Aunt Rose just looking around at her sister's room and saw the crime scene. Then she called everyone from her work to come over because there has been a crime. At the day Violet lived with her aunt and she will remember the day.

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